INTERNET SLANG WORDS DICTIONARY VOCABULARY LIST | For going to its meaning ,why we use slang and actually what is meaning of slang.It is combination of two words namely sub and language which results in “slang”. We use slang words to express our feelings and emotions may be distorted or not distorted way.These slang words can be found in English Dictionary Language as they are informal words invented by human.
Slang Words Starting From H
hacked up hacker hacking it Hackintosh hackish hack it hack license hack off hack on hack the carrot hacktivism hacktivist hack together hack up hadda hafta haggard HAGS hah ha ha only serious hail damage Hail Mary hairbag hair band hairbrush treatment hair burger hair farmer hair of the dog hair of the dog that bit (one) hair pie hair-um scare-um hairy hairy axe wound hairy clam halarpious half a cunt hair half-ass half-assed half-baked half-cheek sneak half g half-hearted half-pint half rack half-step halfwit half-wit halla Halle-yoncee halp ham hamandegg hambeast hamboned ham-fisted ham flap ham flower hammed hammer hammered hammerhead hamster-brain ham wallet HAND handbag positive hand cannon handcuff hand egg handful Handi-Flap hand-in-glove hand it to (one) handjob hand job handle handles hand-me-down hand over fist hands down handsy hand to god handwave handy handy J hang hang 10 hang 5 hang a deuce hang a Hershey hang a Louie hang a rat hang a root hang around hang a yoo-ee hang back hang brains hanger hanger-on hanging hang it up hang loose hang on hang out hang out with hangover hang tight hang up hang with hang with Lou Hangzhou Haixin Umbrella Industry Co.,Ltd. hanitizer Hank Marvin hanky hanky-panky Hanzo main hapa ha’p’ny happenin happening happy accident happy as a clam happy as a pig in shit happy bunny happy camper happy cigarette Happy Crack happy ending happy flakes happy gap happy happy happy hat happy meal happy pill happy trail haps hard hard alcohol hard-ass hardbody hard-boiled hardcore hard core hard graft hard-knock life hard-nosed hard-on hard on the eyes hard pill to swallow hard stuff hard up hardy har har hare off hark Harrison Harry monk Harry Palmer harsh harshed up harsh on harsh (one’s) marshmallow harsh (one’s) mellow harumpf harumph has-been hasbian hash hassle haste makes waste. hat hatch hatchet job hatchet man hatchet wound hatch, the hate hate it hate on hate (one’s) guts hater haterade hater mark hate the game hate with a passion hat hair hat tip hat up haul ass hauler Havana omelet have have a ball have a beef have a big mouth have a big ol’ vag have a black belt in have a blast have a bone to pick have a box lunch have a box lunch at the Y have a bun in the oven have a case of mud butt have a case of the ass have a chip on (one’s) shoulder have a clue have a core dump have a cow have a cross to bear have a crush on have a date with Rosey Palmer have a date with Rosey Palmer and her five sisters have a dog in this fight have a face fit for radio have a face for radio have a face like a bag of hammers have a face like a hatful of assholes have a falling out have a field day have a go have-a-go hero have a good one have a good one. have a jumper in the door have a lead foot have a look see have a lot of moving parts have a lot on (one’s) plate have a lot riding on have a meltdown have a mouth on have an axe to grind have an eppy have an extra helping of bitchflakes have a nose have ants in (one’s) pants have a round in the chamber have a screw loose have a shit baby have a short fuse have a shot at it have a sly jib have a snowball’s chance in hell have a stick up (one’s) ass have a strong stomach have a sweet tooth have a taste for have a tinkle have a toss have a tug have a tug of war with Cyclops have a turtle head poking have a turtle head poking out have a wack have a wank have a whack at have beef have bent have bumped (one’s) head have by the throat have cards up (one’s) sleeve have cold feet have cyclops have dead to rights have deep pockets have diarrhea of the mouth have DNA issues have egg on (one’s) face have eyes for have face like a hatful have hops have I ‘eck as like have it have it going on have it out have legs have money to burn have nothing going on have nothing on have on have one foot in the grave have (one’s) ass in a sling have (one’s) back have (one’s) back to the wall have (one’s) brights on have (one’s) eyes on have (one’s) head up (one’s) ass have (one’s) lean on have (one’s) neck on the line have (one’s) peanut butter stirred have (one’s) tit in a wringer have (one’s) wits about (one) have on (one) have sand in (one’s) vagina have sea legs have sex with (one’s self) have shit for brains have shit on have snakes in (one’s) head have something on have sticky fingers have taken (one’s) pills have the ass have the ball have the foggiest have the foggiest idea have the gift of gab have the hots for have the lock on have the onions have the painters in have the radish have the wallet have the world by the balls have tongue action have to sit have ups have wandering eyes have wheels have wings hawk hawn yawker
haxxor hay hayride crap hayseed haz haze he hea hollow-legged
head buster
headcase head case head doctor header head game head honcho head hunter head in the sand headlamps head light flasher headlights head out head over heels head shake head shop heads up head-the-ball head top head wind heap heap of hurt heap of shit heaps hear me out heart heartie heart throb heat heated heater heat ‘er up heating thingy heat on ‘er heat seeking moisture missile heat, the heave heavy heavy date heavy lifting, the Heavy metal poisoning heck hecka heckle h’ed hedgie heebie geebies, the heebie-jeebies heebie jeebies, the heezy heffer heh heifer heim heina heinous heirhead heisenbug Heisman heist Heleglobter helicopter parent hell hella hella burnt hella chubby hellacious hellafied hella fucking yeah hella-liter hell fucking yeah hell fuck yeah hellhole hell no hell of hell of a hell of an Hello, nurse hells hellsa hell’s bells hells no hells to the no hells to the yes hells yes hell, the hell to the no hell to the yes helluva Hell with gasoline underwear helly hell yeah hell yes hellza helmet helmet hair helmet party helter skelter hemped up Hen hen-dog Hendrix hen night Henny hen party hen-pecked hep herb herbal refreshment here goes nothing here’s the trigger herf herking herky hotel Hermanator heron herpagonasyphilaides herp derp herp, the hers Hershey Highway, the Hershey squirt Hershey squirts, the Hersheys, the Hershy squirt herstory he said, she said He’s got lame hesher het heta beta hetero heteroflexible heterophobia hey diddle diddle heydude hey na’ hezzy hf HFS HG hi hick hickey Hicksville hide the salami hide the sausage hiding hifey high high as a kite high ball high baller high-beams high budget high cotton higher than giraffe ears higher than tube socks high-fallootin high five high gravity high horse high hosey high-maintenance high road, the high roller high-rolleress highside High watch hillbilly hillbilly heroin hillbilly-hoodrat hilljack hill Jack himbo hinkey hinkus hinky hip hiphy hi-po hippie hippie flip hippie lettuce hippy hipster Hipsterzilla hired gun his hisim hissy hissy fit hist history history sheeter hit hit a home run hit a lick hit a touchdown hit bottom hitch hitch to this horse hit dat slab hit it hit it and quit it hit it off hit it raw hit it up hit list hit on hit on the hip hit-or-miss hit paydirt hit rock bottom hit skins Hits me in a soft spot hit some bumps in the road hit stick hitter hit that hit the big time hit the books hit the bottle hit the bricks hit the can hit the deck hit the fan hit the hay hit the head hit the nail on the head hit the pipe hit the road hit the sack hit the skids hit the spot hit the sticks hit up hit up from the chin up Hit with a .22 hit with an ugly stick hit with the stupid stick hivemind HIV, the hizzie hizzit the skizzins hizzle hizzolla hizzouse hizzy HLW HMFIC HMFWIC hmm hmph HMU HNIC ho hoark hoasis HOB ho’ bag ho bagel hobageled ho-baggity hob-knob hobnob hobo ho cake hock hock a loogie hocked up hockety hockey hockey cocky hockey hair hockey mom Hockey Puck hockey whore hock up hocus pocus HOD hodad ho-dad hodge-podge hodger ho-down hoe hoebag hoeish hoe out hoe seat hoe stroll hog hogbeast hog dive hogdog hogger hoghead hog leg hogley hog up hogwash hogwashers hog-wild ho ho ho-hum hoighty-toighty hoitch hoity-toity hojillion hokey hokum hold hold a candle to hold down holding pattern holding up hold on hold (one’s) breath hold (one’s) horses hold (one’s) liquor hold the fort hold the phone hold truck with hold up hold water hole hole digger hole in the wall holiday holiday in Cambodia holidays, the holier-than-thou holla holla at ya boy hollabackgirl holla back girl hollaration holler
holy moly
holy mother of god holy quest holy schnikeys holy scramboly holy sheep cow holy shit holy shit, Batman holy smoke holy smokes holy Toledo homebody home boy homedog home dog homefry homegirl Home is where the horror is Homer home run homes home skillet home slice hometeam homework home wrecker homey homicidal homie homie g homie hop homies homo Homogimagination homo thug hon ho-nasty honcho honey honey bee honey butt honey comb hide out honeymoon honey trap honk honker honkin’ honking honk my hooters honk on bobo honk Smurfs honk up honky HOOA hooah hooch hoochie hoochie coochie hoochie mama hoochie momma hood hood beast hooded hooded lady hoodie hood rat hood rat stuff hood rich hoodwink hoody hoody who hooey hoof it hoofloo hooha hoo-hoo hook hooka hook a niggah up hooked hooker hooker boots Hooker’s corpse hooking hook, line, and sinker hookup hook up hook up with hoon hoopajoop hoopdee hooped hoopie hoopla hoops hooptie hoopty hoopy hoopy frood hooray hooride hoosegow hoosier hoot hootchie cootchie hootenanny hooter hoot owl hoots hoova hoover hop hopa hopeless waste of protoplasm hop-head hop in hop on the good foot, and do the bad thang hoppa hopped up hopping hop to it horch horf horizontal bop horizontal refreshment hork horked horn horndog hornet’s nest hornswoggled horn, the horny horrorshow horrors, the horse horse around horsefeathers horsehead horse hockey horse opera horse’s ass horse shit horse’s petute hose hose bag hose beast hosed hose down hose monster hoser hosey hosie hoss hossie hoss up hostitute hot hot air hot and bothered hot and cold hot and heavy hot as balls hot beef injection hotbox hot boys hot Carl hotch hotchin’ hot chocolate hot Cosby hot damn hot diggerty hot diggety hot diggity hot diggity dog hotdog hot dog hot for hothead hot ma’ hot mess hot minute hotness hot pants hot pocket hot potato ho-train hots hot sex hot shit hot-shot hot spot hots, the hot stuff hott hotter than the hinges of hell hotter than two mice fucking in a wool sock hottest hottie hot to trot hotty hot under the collar hotwife hot-wire Houdini hound house housed hover How about them apples? how are you going how do? howdy howdy, sailor. how goes it? how in fuck how in hell how in the fuck how in the hell howl how (one) living how’s it hanging? how’s tricks? howsyamomanem how the devil how the fuck how ya goin how you? how you doin’ how you going howzit hoxy HPFM HPOA hq hrm Hs and Ks HT H/T HTH hub hubba hubba hubbled hubby Hubby’s huck hucker huckery huckleberry hucklebuck hud huey huff huff and puff huff choad huge furry-whipping tool hugemongous huggle hughie hugly hug the porcelain goddess hug the throne hug the toilet huh hum human microphone humanure humble humble pie hum-bra humdinger humdrum humdrums, the huminah huminah wha? hummer hummina, hummina, hummina humminuh humminuh? humon humongous hump hump day hump (one’s) fist humungo humungous hun hundee hundo hundredaire hundred o’clock hundreds hundred-yard honey hung hungarian hunge hunger pack hung like a horse hungover hungry like horny hung up hung up on hunk hunka chunka hunker down hunky hunky-dory hunnit hunny Hun, the hurkin’ hurl hurler hurr durr hurt hurtin’ hurting turtle hurt locker hurt them hurt up hush-hush hushzone husky hussein hussein hussy hustle hustler hutched hut hut huuuah huzzah huzzie hve hw hydraulic yawn hydro Hyna hype
Slang Words Starting From I
I ain’t beat.
iced out ice out ice queen ichiwawa icies icing on the cake ick icky ICQ ICUP ID ID10T ID-10-T IDBY IDC IDECITF IDEK IDGAF IDGAS IDGI idiom Nazi idiot box idiot-proof idiotsyncrasy idjet idjit IDK IDKK IDLYITW IDTS iff iffy IFL1D IFLY if’n If that’s what you want to do -ify ig IGF Iggy ignant ignats I have a scream IHSP ii IIRC IIUC iiwii ijit IJN IJR ike IKR ill I’ll be I’ll be darned illegal I’ll get up illin dog I’ll just have the soup illmatic ill na-na I’ll swunny illy ILY ILYLAS ILYLATHC ILYSFM ILYSM IM I’ma imaginary Internet point IMAO I’m bigger than all that IME IMHO imma I’mma immense immigrant Immunobabble IMNSHO IMO imona I’m out improper fraction I’m straight IMU I’m up IMY intense intercap intercorpse intern |
in -in in a bind INAE in a family way in a funk in a heartbeat in a huff in a jam in a jiffy in a mood in a New York minute in a nutshell in a pickle in a snit in a state in a tizzy in bed with in cahoots incel incelibacy incentivize in check incision incommunicado increase the peace in-crowd in deep shit Indian giver indica indie indigenous crouch cricket individual contributor indo in Dutch ineptocracy ineptocrat ineptocratic Infinite-Monkey Theorem info infoporn Information Superhighway, the informer infotainment in fuck in God’s name in good hands inhale inhale (one’s) farts in heck in hell in her flowers in high cotton in it ink ink slinger in-laws in like Flint in like Flynn in like Huck Finn in love with in luck inna cut innie innit in on in (one’s) bag in (one’s) eye in (one’s) face in (one’s) feelings in (one’s) grill in (one’s) head in (one’s) shoes in on the act in over (one’s) head inquant in rude health insane insane in the membrane insanely Insectboy inside inside job inside scoop, the inside the box inside voice insituate insta-barf in stark in stitches instructional meeting in sync interweb intestinal fortitude |
in the closet in the cut in the dark in the doghouse in the dumps in the fuck in the groove in the heck in the hell in the hizzie in the horrors in the hot seat in the house in the know in the pipeline in the raw in the red in the sack in the slammer in the zone into intraperious introdouche invitation invite IOKIYAR ion iono IOTETMCO IOTTMCO IOU IOW i p Ipodiot ippity irie Irish goodbye, the Irish handcuffs irky IRL iron iron out irregardless irregular irritainment Irwin I scream cream ish -ish ish, the ishy Island, the ism I smell what you’re cooking I smell you ISO issblems issue is the Pope Catholic? Istophobe ISTR it Itanic itchy item ITEYRN I thought I saw Elvis. ITIGBS itimly it is what it is it’s a bit black over Bill’s Mother’s it’s all good it’s all gravy it’s all Gucci baby it’s all love it’s a small world. It’s called a it’s gonna itch when it dries it’s Gucci it’s in the wind it’s lights out it’s on it’s (one’s) funeral. ITT it takes two to tango. itty bitty Itty Bitty Titty Committee ITYM iunno ivories IWHI I wouldn’t have that up my ass if I had room for a saw mill.
Slang Words Starting From J
Jack and Jill jack around jackass jacked jacked up jacket jackhole jack hole Jackie Chan jack it jack-leg Jack Mormon jack nothing jackoff jack off jackpine savage jackpot jack shit jackson jack squat Jack Tat jack, the jack up jackwagon jack wagon jade jaded JAFO jagbag jag-fuck jagoff jag-off jag-wagon jail bait jaja Jake jaked jakes Jake with me jallopie jalopie jalopy jam Jamie jammed jammed up jammer jammie jammies jammy jamoke jam out jam-packed jam rag jam up jandal jandling Jane Doe JANFU jank janked jankety janky janner JAP Japanese motorbike Japanophile jarhead Jaseaholic jauncy jaunt java jaw jawbone jaw-dropping jawn jawsome jay Jaysus jaywalk jazzed jazzed up jazz hands jazz up jazzy JB j-cat jean cleavage jeanjerking Jebus jecka Jedi Jedi knight Jedi Mind Click Jedi mind trick jeeb jeebies jeebus jeek Jeep jeepers jeepers creepers jeet jeez jeeze jeez louise Jeezum Jeffrey jellies Jello sex jelly jelly baby jelly roll jenkem Jenny McCarthy
jerk the gherkin jerk the johnson jerkwad jerky jerry jerry-ass jerry rig Jerry’s kid jersey chaser Jerusalem cruisers jest Jesus Jesus bar Jesus boots Jesus Christ Jesus Christmas Jesus Christ on burnt toast Jesus freak Jesus H. Christ Jesus H. red-headed Christ Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ Jesus juice Jesus jumped up Christ Jesus made (it) Jesus, Mary, and Joseph Jesus motherfucking Christ Jesus sneakers Jesus titty-fucking Christ jet jet set Jew bagel jewdigger jewelry Jewfro Jewish lightning Jewkakke jezebel jezzebelly JFC JFDI JFTR j-hole jib jibber jabber jibs jibtek warrior jiff jiffy jiffy stiffy jig jigger jiggers jiggly bitch jiggy jiggy-jag jig-jig jigs jihad jill jillionaire jill off jilt Jim jimmies jimmy jimmy cap Jimmy Dean jimmy hat jimmy-jammy jimmy-john jimmyrig Jimmy’s talkin jimp jing it jingle jingle mail jinkies jinky jinx Jippo jism jit jitterbug jitters, the jitty jive jive slick jive turkey jiz jizm jizz jizz monkey jizz on jizz rag jizzum JK j/k j-kidsky JMO Jno jo joan on job jobber jobbie jobby jabber job’s right jock jock itch jock on (one’s) junk Joe Joe Blow joe job Joe Schmoe
Johnny-come-lately Johnny Football Johnny Law Johnny law dog John Q. Public johnson John Thomas John Wayne’s saddlebags JOI joint join the club join the DA club joint, the joker jolly good Jolly Green Giant jologs jones Joneser Jongkey joo JOOC joop Jordan jork jorts josh journo joust Joven Jovi joy joyboy joygasm joy juice joyride joy ride joystick jsmh JSMP jubalubs jubbly jucket Judas Judas Priest Judy jug juggalette juggalo juggers juggie juggies juggler juggy juggy tits jughandle jughead jug, the juice juice box juiced juiced up juice monkey juicer juicy juju jujube-ass juke Jules and Jim jumblefuck jump jump bail jump down jumper jumpers jumping Jesus on a pogo stick jump into bed with jumpoff jump off, the jump on jump on a grenade jump (one’s) bones jump on the grenade jump out jump ship jump the shark jump through hoops jump through (one’s) ass jungle jungle fever jungle juice jungless junior Olympic pole vaulting junk junker junk food junkie junk in the trunk junkst junky junt juror number four jury-rig jury-rigged just friend just J just joshin’ just the ticket Just want penicillin just what the doctor ordered jute juug juug season juvie
Slang Words Starting From K |
Kalash kamikaze kamikaze style KAMU kandi
kankle kanoodle Kansas City Shuffle, the kapai kappa kappa slapper kaput karaokist karate karena kark it kawaii kay KBO kcoolsweet kebabwallet keef keekee keen keener keep a low profile keep an ear to the ground keep an eye on keep an eye out keep a stiff upper lip keep a straight face keep cool Keep digging, Watson. keeper keep fucking that chicken keep it 100 keep it gangster keep it gutter keep it in (one’s) pants keep it on the basic keep it on the down low keep it on the real keep it real keep (one’s) chin up keep (one’s) ear to the ground keep (one’s) eye on keep (one’s) eyes on the ball keep (one’s) eyes open keep (one’s) hair on keep (one’s) head above water keep (one’s) head down keep (one’s) nose to the grindstone keep (one’s) panties on keep (one’s) pants on keep (one’s) pecker up keep (one’s) shirt on keep on keeping on keep on trucking keep shtmoon keep tabs on keep trucking keep up with the Joneses keff keff out kegger keg stand keif keister Keister Candy kela kemo sabe ken Kency Ken doll Kennywood’s open KenTaco Hut Kentucky waterfall kerfuffle kerplunk kertang kev kevork kevorka, the kewl key keybang keyboard gangster key bump keyed keyed up key hole keys KF khazi k-hole kibbitz kibitz
kicking kick in the ass kick in the pants kick it kick it up notch kick off kick (one’s) ass kick (one’s) butt kick rocks kicks kick sand in (one’s) face kick some ass kick the bucket kick the can kick the can down the road kick the habit kick to the curb kicky kid kiddie kiddie fiddler kiddie stroll kiddo kids’ stuff kief kielbasa kife kiff kike kiki kill kill a kitten kill’em killer killer app kill it kills kill the kids at the pool killthroat Kim kind kinda kinda sorta kind bud kinderkid kinderwhore kind hearted kinfo kinfolk king dingaling kingpin King Sting kink kinky kinky Jesus kip kipe kipster KISS kiss ass kisser kiss of death kiss off kiss (one’s) ass kiss (one’s) ass goodbye KISS Principle kiss ralph kiss the porcelain gods kiss-up kiss up to kissy face kit kitchen kitteh kitty kitty-corner Kiwi kix Kjoughl kk klepto klick klink kludge kluge klutz klutzy kma Kmart KMT knacker knackered knackers kna’ mean knap sack kneecap knee deep knee-high to a grasshopper knee jrk kung fu
Knob jockey knobrot knob-slob knock knock about knock around knock back knock boots knock dead knock down knocked off knocked out knocked up knocker knockers knockin knock it off knock it out knock off knock (one’s) block off knock (one’s) dick in the dirt knock (one’s) lights out knock (one’s self) out knock (one’s) socks off knock on wood. knock out knock out of the park knock over knock the back out of that knock the tar out of knock the trash out of one’s ears knock up knot know-how know if (one) is coming or going know inside out know in the biblical sense know-it-all knowledge know (one’s) ass from a hole in the ground know (one’s) own name know (one’s) shit know shit from Shinola know the ropes know what I misdemeanor? know what (one) is saying know which side (one’s) bread is buttered on knuck knuckle dragger knuckle-dragging knucklehead knuckle-nuts knuckle sandwich knuckle under KO KOA Kodak Kodak moment Koger Kojak Kombi kooch kook kooky Kool-Aid koolio kooter kootered KOP kosh kosher kracka krackelacking k-rad krakalak kram Kraut krispy kronic kronk krook krunk krunked krunts Krusty kryptonite K shap KTFO kthanksbye kthnxbai kthx kthxbai kthxbye ku kuder kudos KultLeader kumfumbled
Slang Words Starting From L
liked to like falling off a log like fuck like gangbusters like hell like herding cats like it’s (one’s) job like like like ninety like nobody’s business like oats like (one’s) own brand like rolling off a log like sauce like shit off a shovel like shit through a tin horn like so much volleyball like the goose like throwing a hotdog down a hallway like watching paint dry like whoa likey like you mean it lil’ Lil’ Baby Lil’ Daddy lil’ Duff lilly li’lun lil’ un’ lily licker lima delta limbo limbs all akimbo lime limey limo limou limp-brain limpdick limp dick lindered line linebacker line of work linkbait link farm linkrot link rot linner Linsanity lion lioness lion’s share lace into lacky laddish la di da la-di-dah ladies ladies man ladies’ man la di freaking da lad mag lady boner lady friend lady garden Lady Godiva lady lumps lady of negotiable affections lady of the night lady parts lady’s front bottom lady stabber lagered up lagger laid back laid out short laid up lairy Lal la la la la land lambasted lambchops Lambo lame lame-ass lame-brain lame-o lamer lame sauce lamestream media lametarded LAMF la migra lamp lana land barge landing strip landline land one land shark land yacht langer langerrhea lap dog lapper lappy larapin lard-ass lardo large large and a maybe large-cap LARP larry Larry Loner laser in on lash lashes with a wet noodle lash out at lass last last but not least last go trade last straw, the last-year LatAm late late bloomer later later gator laters laugh (one’s) ass off laugh out of launch an ass rocket launch (one’s) lunch launder laundry lav law dog lawl Lawrence lawtard law, the
lay into lay it on lay it on the line lay it on thick lay it out lay low
lay some cable lay the lumber to lay the smack down lay wolf bait lazered lazy dog LBD LD LDR lead leaded lead on lead poisoning
leatherneck leave high and dry leave holding the bag leave in the lurch leave it out there leave off leave (one) hanging leave the world lech lecky leebo leech Leepo leet leetspeak leet speak left coast left-handed cigarette leftie left in the dust left (or right) nut left-winger lefty legal legalese legendary legit leg it legless leg opener legot leg up
lend (one’s) ear LEO Leroy lerpy lesbosexual les out -let let bygones be bygones let ‘er rip Let her buck. let it all hang out let it go let it rip |
let one go
let (one) hang let (one) hit it let one rip let (one’s) freak flag fly let’s do this let’s jam let slide let the cat out of the bag let the dogs out let the kids off at the pool lettuce leva level level playing field level up leverage Lewi Lewinski Lewinsky lez Lezbehonest lez out lezploitation LF LFG LG LGT LGTM lhh libdiculous liberal zombie liberast libtard libunatic -licious lick lick and a promise lick a pack of franks Lick Arse lick balls lick carpet lickety-split licking lick it lick my froth lick my scroat lick (one’s) ass hole lick (one’s) clit lick (one’s) lips lick, the lid Liddy Downs lie low lie through (one’s) teeth lie to (one’s) face Life is a one way mission. lifer lift lift a finger lifted lift the fog ligas lighten up lightning bug lightning rod lights are on but no one’s home lights down lights on but nobody’s home lights out light up lightweight like like 10 motherfuckers like a banshee like a bastard like a bat out of hell like a bomb hit it like a boss like a champ like a dog with two dicks like a doormat like a heart-attack like a hog needs a side-saddle like a hot damn like a Jew in a casino Like a monkey on a stick like a motherfucker like a mug like a raped ape like ass like ass pie like crap through a goose like death warmed over
lip lip chap lip lock lippy lips lip shit lipstick lipstick lesbian liquid ecstasy liquid laugh liquid sunshine liquored up lishie list Listserv lit liter literally LITT little boy’s room little chap little dabadoya Little Dog Syndrome little fella little girl’s room little guy little Hitler Little Man syndrome little Miss It littler little shit little spoon lit up love cave loved up love-fest love handle love juice lather, rinse, repeat laugh laugh at the ground laugh at the toilet laughing gas laugh off love taco love tap love to pieces low lowball low-bandwidth lawyered up lawyer up lay lay a cable lay a loaf lay a pipeline lay cable lay down the law lay hot snakes lay off lay one lay one on lay (one’s) hands on lay out lay pipe lay rubber |
loaf about
loaf around loaft loagie loal loan shark lobby LOBNH lobotomy lobster loc local yokel locavore loc’d out lock lock down locked and loaded locker room talk lock-in lock it locks lock up loco lo-fi LOFL log Logan Wood log off log out loker LOL Lola lolcat LOLFDGB loli LOLITA lollapalooza lollipop actress lolly lolly-pop head lolz lolzy loner long and short of, the long back long con Long Dong Silver long green longhair long-hair long in the tooth long run, the long-shot long time, no see. loo loo-ee loogie look a gift horse in the mouth look alive look and feel look at (one) like (one’s) mother doesn’t feed (one) look at the big picture look down (one’s) nose at looker lookie look like a baby’s arm holding an apple look like a baby’s arm with an apple in its fist look like a frog in pants look like a million bucks look like a million dollars look like a monkey fucking a football look like ass look like (one) bit into a shitburger look like roadkill look like who did it and ran look sharp looky-loo loom loon looney loonie loonshit loony loony bin loo paper looped looper loopy loose loose cannon loosey loosie loot lop lopitoffamy lopitoffomy lordy lose lose face lose ground lose it lose (one’s) cherry lose (one’s) cool lose (one’s) edge lose (one’s) head lose (one’s) keys lose (one’s) lunch lose (one’s) marbles lose (one’s) religion lose (one’s) shirt lose (one’s) shit loser lose touch lossy lost lost fries lost in the sauce lot lot lizard Lot lizzard lotta loud loud and clear louie lounge lounge lizard louse lousy love lovebird love bullets lovely love making love muscle love nest lovers lane love shaft loveshy love stick lovestoned low blow low-brow low-down, the lowe lower than whale shit low-hanging fruit low-key low-life low low low-rent low rider LPT
lube lubricated luck of the draw luck out lucky dog lude lug luge lugie lulu lulz lumberjack lummox Lumpy matelot
lunk lunker lunkhead Luper stare lupper lurk lurker lurpy lurve lush lustworthy |
Slang Words Starting From M
MacGyver MacGyver smoker machine macho mack mackable mackadocious mack Caddy mack daddy mack it mack mamma mack on mack the box mack Vanilla Ice style mad madame Madame C mad as a hatter madcap mad-cow mad dog made in heaven made man mad for it mad hatter mad note, the mad props mad skills mad whack MAF MAFIAA, the mafugly mag maggot Maggot Nation magic gap magic ken magic mushroom magic word, the magillacutty mah mahfugly main main drag main line main man main squeeze maintain main vein major-league major league swag majorly major rager make make a 180 make a butt of (one’s self) make a butt trumpet make a delivery make a dent in make a deposit make airtight make a killing make a move make an ass of (one’s self) make an honest woman out of (one) make a pass at make a poopie make a Ralph make a splash make a teddy bear make babies make brown bubbles make brownies make ends meet make fun make fun of make heads or tails out of make it make it hail make it happen, captain. make it rain make it snappy. make like a baby and head out make love make mince meat out of make money hand over fist make (one) dust (one’s) back off make (one’s) bitch make (one’s) bones make (one’s) dick hard make (one’s) move make (one’s) nut make out make stomach pancakes make the beast with two backs make the map of Hawaii make tick make tracks make up make waves make whoopee make whoopie make woopie Malabar Masala malamanteau malarkey malarky male knowledge syndrome male madam Male tears malice mall rat malware MAM mama mamadukes mama dukes mama jama Mamasita mamby pamby mami mamma mamma jamma mammal toe mammaries mamyjammer man manaconda man bag man boob manbulge man butter Manc man cave man-chaser man chowder man crush mandal mandella mandinga m and m ma net maneuver mang mangina mangled mangy manhood mani man in the boat man in the boat, the mani-pedi manizer mank manky man muscle manny mano-a-mano man of the opposite sex manopause manor manorexia manorexic man pleasers manpon manscape manscara man seed man-slut Mansonite manssiere manster man stick Man, The manties mantrum mantuary mantyhose man up manure manwhore man-whore manwich manzier manzilian maow map Mape map of Tasmania marble bag marching powder mardy mare marg margo marinate marinate on Marios and Warios mark marketroid mark my words marnis marvy Mary Mary Jane mashed mass massage massive mass mimic mastah master debater master of ceremonies Masturwaiting matako mate mate’s rates math mathemagician mathematics mato Mat Rider matrix mattress dance max maximally maxing out mayhaps mayo May the 4th be with you maz mazel tov mazzled MBF MBM M-Cat McDreamy McDucks McFly
mean streak measly measure drapes measure the drapes meat meat and two veg meat at the dish meat bag meat curtains meat drapes meat flap meat gazer meathead meat hookers meat hooks meat market meat-n-potatoes meat popsicle meat rod meatspace meat thermometer meat tulips meat wagon meatwallet meat wallet meatware meat whistle meaty med medicine Medina meet and greet meeting mega megabucks MEGO meh mell mellow mellow out mellow yellow melon melt melty Melv Melvin member meme meme pool men in blue mensch mental mental fart mental slap Mentos me-ow Meowmaw meow meow Meowmmy merc merch merde merk merked merkin meshuga mess mess around messed messed up mess up mess with messy Metal merchant Metamucil meter maid meth meth head methican Methuselated me time metric ass-load metric butt-load metric shitload metrosexual Mexican Mexican dirt weed Mexican standoff Mexican tabacco Mexican two step mezzanine mezzed MF MFM MFW mi MIA MIB mic mic check Michael Michael Jackson Michael Mouse Michi Michigan bank roll Michigan left mick mickey Mickey d’s Mickey Mouse Micky Dee’s micky ficky microblog microdamage micropreneur microwave middle leg middle of nowhere, the midge MIF miffed might could mighty mez migra migrate mike MIL MILF military mind milk milkaholic milk it milkshake millihelen millionaire’s death millions milsurp Milton mimbo mime min mince mind mind-bending mind-blowing minder mindfuck mind-fucker mind game mindless fuckwit mind (one’s) beeswax mind (one’s) own beeswax mind (one’s) P’s and Q’s mind-rape mind-smack mine minefield minformation ming minge minge muncher minger minging mingy Mini Thin minivan, the minj Minnesota meatloaf mint minted minty minute mipple Mira Lago mired down mirror face misc miserate misoislamist Miss mission Mississippi Black Snake Mississippi Masala miss me Missouri Compromise Miss Thang miss the bus Miss Thing missus, the mister Mister nice-guy misty-eyed Mit mitch mits Mitt mitts mitty mitzvah MIWLF Mixican mix it up mixologist MJ mkay MLIG MMF mmm mmmbop MMM-Bop MMORPG mo moar mob mobbed mobee Mobilegeddon mobo mob out mod moded ModifiedPigs modulo moe moellered moen mo fackie moff mofo mo fo mofugly moger moggy mogo moist mojo moka mokus mole moll Molly molly whoop |
mo mo Mona Bushpig Monday morning quarterback mondo mondo bizarro monet money money grubber moneymaker money maker money shot money shot, the mong monged mongo Monika monkey monkey around monkey business monkey butt monkey clump monkey fuck monkey jump monkey love monkey on (one’s) back Monkey Ranch monkeys monkey spank monkey-stub monkey suit monokini monokini Judaism monster monster, the monte Montezuma’s revenge moob mooch mooch off moo cow moof moofer moo juice mook mooked moola moolah mooley moon moon-bat moon landing moonlight moose moose knuckle moose nuckle mope moped moped girl mopery mop the floor with mop up moral compass moran more better more cuckoo than a clock more cuckoo than a clock factory morgue meat Mormon axe mormon sports car morning missles morning orange morning wood moron mos def mosey mosh mosh pit mosquito bites mossie most def mot mota motate MOTH mothafucka mother mothered mothereffing motherfucker mother fucker motherfucking mother fucking motherload mother-loving mother of god mother of shit mother’s little helper mother trucker motor motorboat motorhead motor-mouth Motown Moully mounted mountie mouse mouse on a motorcycle mouse over mouth breather mouthful mouth off mouthpiece mouthy move mover and shaker move the bar move this fast mow mow astroturf mow the lawn moxie mozi mozzie Mr. Mr. Big Mr. Fix It Mr. Happy Mr. J Mr. Right Mrs. Mrs. Right MRW Mr. Winky msg MSM MST MTB mte MTV gangsta muah much? much grass muck about muck around muckety-muck mucking fess muckle muckle ahold of muck, mucked up muck up mud muddle up mud duck mud fart mud flaps mudpout muff muff dive muffin muffin man muffin top muff puff muffy mufkin tass mufugly mug mug down muglet mugly mug out mukka mukky mula mule mule head mullah mullered mullet Mullet Rob mulligan multicolor yawn Multiply convulsively multitask mum mumble pants mumbo jumbo mum’s the word. munch munch carpet munchies munchkin munch on mundane munge munson munt munted munter munter hunter mupp muppet muppet around murder murder tube murk murkin Murph murse muscle mush mushies mushroom mushroom head penis mushrooms mushroom stamp mushy mushy-brained mussy musta mustard musty mute muthafucka mutha junkst Mutton dagger muttonhead mutt’s nuts, the MWF MWM my ass my bad my boy MY EYES, MY EYES my left foot my man My Nia my nigga MYOB My Soul Music