INTERNET SLANG WORDS DICTIONARY LIST | Informal words are invented by human according to what situations they live and different culture affect different languages.Every language has own slang words and they are interchanged with other languages.
Slang Words Starting From N
na n/a naa-naa nab Nab Jones nad nada Nadaville nadgers nads nad sack Nae Nae naf
nah nah mean nah-skinz naif nail nails nai-mean NAK naked naked country nakey nakie ‘nam namby pamby na mean name drop name of the game, the namsaying nan nana na-na nang nann napalm napes nappy nappy dugout Naptown narc narcasm narc on narc out nard nard licker nards nard sack narf nark nar nar Narnie narsty nas nasal waste Nascar dad nastafied nastify nasty nasty-ass nastygram Nat n’at Natalie natch Natty natty light naturals NAUF naughties, the naughts, the naughty bits naughty pillow nav navel gaze naw naw min Nayabinghe Nazi NBD NCMO ne1 Neanderthal near beer nearest and dearest neat neat freak neato nebby neck neck and neck neckbeard neckbone neckfurters nectar ned neddy neden need a check up from the neck up needle need the D need the dick neek neener neezy neg negative negative nancy negative Nellie negative Nelly negatory negro neighbor neighbro nekkid nelfie nellie nelly neo-boho neocon neo-maxi zoom dweebie nephs nerd nerdcore nerdery nerdgasm nerd out nerds up nerdulent nerdy nerf Nerfed nervous wreck net-a-holic nethead Netherlands, the nether regions netizen |
newbie new black, the new blood newfag new hotness, the New Jeru new kid on the block news babe newsie NFG NFI NFN n/g
nice boots nice move, McFly nice one nice play, Shakespeare nic fit nick nickel nickel-and-dime nickel bag nickel bagger nickles nick, the nifkin nifong nifty nigga nigga please niggaro nigger niggerfaggot nigger tits night and day night bird night cap night flower nightie nightie night nightmare night owl NIH NIH syndrome Nilf nilpertains NIMBY nimrod nincompoop nine niner nine-sided nine-sided son of a bitch nine to five nine-to-fiver ninj ninja ninja foot ninnies ninny nip nip in the bud nip out nipple mouse nippley nipply nippy nip slip nit nitty gritty nitwit nix nizzle
NOAH nob no baby dance no back bone no big no big deal no biggie nobody nobody’s fool no-brainer no bueno no call no show no can do noch Nocialism no clue NOCMOS nod nodder no dice no diggity nod off nod out no dramas no duh nog noggin no glove, no love no go no-go pill no harm, no foul no holds barred no homo no hots noice noid noise noise tube no j no joke no joy nolte nom nom de blog nom de internet nomsain no-name non-bust nonce none of (one’s) beeswax non-heinous non-linear no-no non-skid nonsumer noob noob face noobie nood noodle noony no-op nope nope out netiquette |
Norwegian nose about nose around nose-bleeds nosebleeds, the nose candy nosedive nose job nose to the grindstone nosey nosh no shit No shit sherlock
nosy not not a full shilling no talent ass clown monkey fucker not all there not a sausage not a single fuck was given not asked back not by a long shot notch notch down notch in (one’s) belt notch on (one’s) bedpost note not enough ass in the pants not for sure not have a prayer nothin nothing to crow about nothing to sneeze at nothing to write home about notify me later not know one’s ass from a hot rock not mind safe not on (one’s) life. not playing with a full deck not ready for prime time not so much. not to worry notty nough noughties, the no way no way in hell no way Jose Nowheresville no worries now you’re cooking with gas NOYB no yeah NOYFB
NT ntbn nub nubbin nuber nublet nub, the nucka nucking futs nuclear missile nuclear option nudie pic ’nuff nuff nuff ’nuff said nug nugget nuggets nugs nuh-uh nuke nuke and puke nuker nukka nulf null numb as a hake number number 1 number 2 number 3 number cruncher number one number two numb nut numbnuts numb-nuts numbskull nummah nummy numpt numptie numpty nunce nunna nunny nunquam nu-nu nu nu out nunya nurf nurple nurse nut nutbar nut butter nutcase nut house nut huggers nut hut nut job nutmeg nut paste nutraceutical nut-roll nuts nut sack nutso nuts to butts nutt nutter nuttier than squirrel shit nuttiness nuttso nutty nut up nu-uh nyuk nerts nerve nerves of steel |
Slang Words Starting From O |
Oaksterdam oater oath Oaxacan Obama Obamacare obv obvi obvs OC O chem Ocker OC, the octopus OD
of doom off off-base off-brand off color off da heezie off da hook offensive coordinator official offie off-key off like a prom dress off like a prom dress in May off limits offline off (one’s) ass off (one’s) box off (one’s) face off (one’s) game off (one’s) nut off (one’s) radar off (one’s) rocker off (one’s) tits off (one’s) tree
off tha rip off the chain off the charts off the clock off the deep end off the front off the grid off the heezie fo sheezie off the heezy off the heezy fosheezy off the heezy fo sheezy off the heezy fo’ sheezy off the hinges off the hizzle off the hizzy off the hook off the meat rack off the radar off the record off the reservation off the schnide off-the-shelf Off the shit off the wagon off the wall OG OGF OH oh be joyful oh dark thirty oh hell no ohmigosh oh my dad oh my heck -oholic oh shit ‘oh shit’ bar oh snap oi oic oik oink OJ Ojay OJ’s OK okay okee-doke okey dokey Okie okie dokie okies Oklahoma credit card ol ol’ balls old old and over old bag old ball and chain, the Old Betsy old Bill old boy old chap old chestnut old dear old dirt road, the Old E older than dirt oldfag old fart old flame old girl oldie old in-out, the old lady old maid old man Old Man Jenkins Old Millwater old-school old timer old-timer’s disease ollie ol’ one-eye Oly OM omdh omega Omega Mu OMFG OMG OMGWTF
onboard on board once in a blue moon once-over on chief on cloud nine on crack on deck one on edge one eight seven one-eyed monster one-eyed snake one-eyed trouser snake one eyed trouser trout
one fry shy of a Happy Meal one-handed typing one hell of a one hell of an one hitter one horse town one love one night stand one of a kind one-off one of them deals one (one’s self) one pot ones ones and twos, the one sandwich short of a picnic (one’s) ass (one’s) assholiness (one’s) ass is grass (one’s) ass off (one’s) bad (one’s) bitch (one’s) boo (one’s) cup of tea (one’s) face (one’s) first rodeo (one’s) hands are tied (one’s) happy place (one’s) heart is crying (one’s) highness onesie-twosie (one’s) jam (one’s) jollies (one’s) kind of thing (one’s) middle name (one’s) neck of the woods (one’s) number’s up (one’s) nuts off (one’s) pride and joy (one’s) thing (one’s) turn in the barrel one, the one time one trick pony one-up one upsmanship oney bat on fire on fleek on hit on ice onion onion buns on it onli on like a chicken bone on like Donkey Kong on lock on lockdown on momas on mommas on my dick on my momma on one on (one’s) ass on (one’s) back on (one’s) case on (one’s) game on (one’s) jack on (one’s) jock on (one’s) last nerve on (one’s) mother’s grave on (one’s) nuts on (one’s) plate on (one’s) radar on (one’s) tray on (one’s) watch on point on stamps on steroids Onterrible on that boy on the back burner on the ball on the blink on the blob on the bottle on the bottom burner on the choongs on the cop on the daily on the DL on the dole on the double on the down low on the dub on the fence on the fly on the fritz on the front burner on the g on the gate
on the lam on the level on the map on the mend on the nod on the outs on the outside on the paper chase on the phone on the pill on the piss on the prowl on the QT on the rag |
on the tip of (one’s) tongue on the town on the up-and-up on the wagon on the way out on tilt
oopsie OOSOOM OOTB Oo-wee OP open open a can of pwnage open a can of whoop ass open a can of whup ass open minded
open wound OPP oppo opps optical rectumitis optics optionable oral orange orange-badge Orc org organ donor organ grinder’s monkey orgasm org chart orgy o-ring orly or not. or what Oscar oscar mike OT
other side of the coin other woman, the OTOH otp OTT out outa out cold outen the light outer demons outfit outfox outie outie 5000 out in the cold out like a light out-of-band out-of-bounds out of control out of hand out of here out of it out of left field out of (one’s) element out of (one’s) hair out of (one’s) head out of (one’s) league out of (one’s) mind out of (one’s) skull out of (one’s) tree out of pocket out of sight out of the blue out of the box out of the closet out of the loop out of the woods out of thin air out-of-touch out of whack
Outside the wire outta outta here out the ass out the cuts out there out the roof out the wazoo outtie out to lunch out to pasture ov ova oval office, the oven over over and out over-chicked over-cook (one’s) grits overkill overneath over (one’s) dead body over (one’s) head overshare overstand over the hill over the shoulder boulder holder over the top ow owie owie zowie OWL owly own own3d ownage own the cheese own up on the grease on the grind on the grog on the hook on the hop on the inside on the jazz on the ropes on the same page on the same wavelength
Slang Words Starting From P
package store pack a lunch packed packer pack fudge pack heat packie pack in pack it in pack of franks pack rat packy pad Paddy padeace padiddle paedo page in page out page-turner pain pain in (one’s) ass pain in the arse pain in the ass pain in the butt pain in the neck pain point painsomnia painted painted on paint houses paint job paint the ceiling paint the picture paint the town red paint the walls pair pakaloco pakalolo Paki pal pally palm palmjob -palooza Panama red panda car pandoo pank pank down pan out pansy Panther Panther Hunter Panthress Panthress Hunter panties in a wad pant-load pants panty waist pap papa dukes papa-stopper pape paper paper bag trick paper chaser paperface Paper Genocide paper route papers paper trail papes papi par pardner PARDONMYHASHTAG parental unit par for the course pimp (one’s) ride pimp out pimp slap pimp steak pimp stick pimptacular pimptastic pimp tight pinch pinch a grogan pinch a loaf pinched pinch hitter pinchie pinch one off pin-cushion pineapple piney ping pinhead pink pink canoe pinko pink palace pink sausage wallet pink slip pink sock pink sticky pink taco pink, the pink tractor beam pink velvet sausage wallet pinner pin (one’s) ears back pins pin the rap on Pinto pint of piss pint-sized pip pipe pipe down pipe-head pipes pip pip pipsqueak pip, the pirate pish pish pash pish posh piss pissa piss and moan pissant piss-ant piss around piss around with piss ass drunk piss away pissed pissed off pissed-offedness pisser pissered than hell piss-fart piss flaps piss for shits and giggles pisshead piss ice water pissing contest piss in the wind pissivity piss like a race horse piss like a Russian race horse at the Kentucky Derby piss off piss on piss (one’s) money up the wall piss (one’s self) piss on it piss out of (one’s) ass piss-poor piss razors piss taking piss-tank park park a custard park (one’s) ass park the tiger parlay Parrot head part partial partna partner parts car party party animal party down party foul party girl party hat party hats party on party pooper party store pash pashaw pash rash pash the porcelain princess pass around pussy passed out pass gas passion mark pass muster pass out pass the buck pass the torch pass wind pass with flying colors pasta rocket pasties pasting Pastupid patch patent troll pathological pato pat (one’s self) on the back pat on the back patootie patsy Patukis patz paulbag pavement pizza paw PAWG pawn pay forward pay lay pay lip service to pay off payola payout pay through the nose paywall PB PB and J PBS PC PCP PDA p’d off p dot PDPs PDQ pea-brained peace peace out peach peaches peach fuzz peachy peachy keen peacock peanut peanut butter peanuts peanut smuggler Peanut table pearl pearl diver pearl jam pearl necklace pearl tea pearly whites pear-shaped pea-shooter Pebbles PEBCAK PEBKAC pec peck pecker pecker checker pecker head pecker tracks peckerwood peckish peckle pedal to the metal pedi pedo pee pee-ew pee in (one’s) butt peel peeled back peel out peen Pee-O’s peep pee pee peeper peepers peeping Tom peeping turtle peep out peeps peeter peeter out pee-u peeve peeved pee-yew pee-yoo peg pegged peg-leg pelt pen pencildick pencil in pencil pusher penders peng penguin suit penile dementia
performant perk perk up perma-fried permagrin perma-grin Perot perp perp walk persnickety personal drainer personality person of interest Peruvian dancing dust Peruvian marching powder perv perve perved perving pervy pessimal pete Pete Best, the Peter peter around peter out Peter Puffer pet (one’s) kitty petrol petrol-head pet the bunny pet the dolphin pew pez pfff pfft phase of the moon phat phat bitch phatness phatty
pie-eyed pie-face pie faced pie hole pie in the sky pieon pie wagon piff piffle piflicated pig pigeon pigeon head pig pile pig rig pigroach pigs pigskin pig sty PIIYB PIK piker pile piledriver pile it on pile of pants piles pill pillage pill face pill lady pillow case pill popper pill, the pilt pimp pimpalicious pimped out pimperistic pimpette pimp in da hoochie momma car |
pisstivity pissy pissy stick pit PITA pit bull pitch pitch a bitch pitch a log pitch a tent pitcher pitch in pits, the pit stop pity party pity whore pixie dust pizza pizza-face pizza profitable Pizza Slut pizzazz pizzle pizzo PJ PJs, the pk place place it Plain Jane plake plan b planet Wrong plank planking plant plant one on plarn plastered plastic plastics play playa playa from the himalaya play around play ball playboy play cat and mouse play couch camando play devil’s advocate play DJ on (one’s) VJ play doctor played out player playerette player hate player hater play footsie playgirl play grab ass play hardball play hide the salami play hookie play hooky play it cool play it like that play keys play lighthouse play lion and lion tamer play little Dutch boy play my face play (one) stupid play out play pocket pinball play pocket pool play second fiddle play the dozens play the field play the game play the purple oboe play the skin flute play with a full deck play with a full deck of cards play with fire play with knives play with Mr. Hanky play with (one’s) head play with (one’s self) please please believe it pleased as pie pleather plebe plonker plop a squat plot crowbar plow plowed plox pls pluck plucked pluck (one’s) twanger plug plug and chug plug and pray plugged into plug hole plug out plug through plum plumber plumber’s crack plumb forget plumbing plumbing leak plumpkin plum smugglers plunk (one’s) twanger PLUR plus one Pluto plz PM PMHT PMITA PMITA prison PMJI PMP PMS PMSy PNL p-noid po po-9 POA poach POC pocket pool pocket rocket pockets on deck POD po’d p-o’d podcast podger podunk poe-poe POETS day pof po folk pogey pogo Poindexter point point guard point of no return point Percy at the porcelain pointy-haired pointy-haired boss poison poke poke a bear poke in the brown eye poke out poker face poke smot poke the bear pokey, the pokie poking at the halo pol polaroid pole Polecan pole milk poleslaw pole smoker police Poli Sci polished polish off polish (one’s) knob polish (one’s) pearl polish the family jewels polish the pearl polish the pewter polish up politico Politiporn polluted pollyanna positive polyg pom po man pomer Pommy prostitot prosumer protein shake protip proudscottery prude prune psh psst psych psyched psychedelic yawn psycho psychobabble psycho-bitch psycho-fucked psychonaut psych out psych up PTO pu PUA pub crawl pube pub grub puck puck bunny pucker puckered brown eye, the puckered starfish pucker factor pucker up puck fuck puckle pud pud boy pudding puddle puddle jumper Puddle slut pudge pud pound pudussy pudwhack pud-whack pud whacker
POMO ponce pond, the pong pony ponyride pony up Ponzi scheme poo poobutt poo cat pooch pooched poocher pooey poof Poofter poogling pookie pool shark poom poon poonami poonaner poonani poonanie poonj poonjab poontang poon tang pie poontank poop poop and scoop poop butt poop chute pooped pooper poophead poopie pooping poop on you, then. poo-poo poo-pooed poo-poo on you poop out poop shoot poopsicle Poop toy poopy poopy-pants poor poor sport poot pootang poo tang pooter pootie tang pooty poo pooty tang poove pop pop a cap pop a cap in (one’s) ass pop a chub pop a chubby pop a load off pop a squat pop bottles popcorn fart popcorn hoe popcorn titties pop Cris pop in popo po po pop off pop (one’s) cherry pop (one’s self) po po’s, the popo, the po-po, the pop out poppa popper popping fresh poppycock pop rocks pops pop slag pop tart pop the question popullution porcelain bus porcelain god, the porcelain throne porcelain throne, the pore over porgy bait pork porkage porkchop porker porkies pork pie pork sword porn porn bat pornbot porn face porno porro POS poseebs poser poseur posh phenom phew Philadelphia fake out philanthropoid Philly beat down philosofight phish pho phone phone fuck phooey phot photobomb photo finish photog photo op Photoshop phreaked up phuck physcological Physics for Poets piece of work pied pig-fucker piggy piggy prostitute pig-headed pig in a poke pig mobile pig out pep talk percussion therapy percussive maintenance perf
postcardware postdoc posted posted up posted up like a thumb tack posterboy for yuck postie post-mortem post up pot potato potatoes potato quality potboiler pote po, the pot-head potna pot polio potrepreneur pot, the potty potty mouth POTUS pounce pound pound it pound on pound (one’s) pud pound sand pound the duck pound the pavement pound the punanni pavement pour into pour it on pour salt on (one’s) game POV pow powder powder keg powder (one’s) nose powder puff pass powder room power power-disc power nap power play power shower powers that be powers that be, the power top power trip po-wo powwow PP ppl PR pr0n prairie dog prairie dog it prang prank monkey prannock pratt prawn pray to Dionysus pray to J pray to porcelain gods pray to the great ceramic idol pray to the porcelain god pray to the porcelain gods preach to the choir preash pree preemie prefab pre-funk pre-game preggers preggies preggo prego pregos prehab premo pre-owned prep prepend pre-postal preppy prequel prereq president press press box pressed pressed ham presser press the flesh pretty boi pretty boi mafia prettyful preture pretzel party previous pricey prick prickly prick tease prime prime-time primo princess prior prisionriot prison purse prissy private private dick private eye private Idaho private parts Private Pee Message privates prly PRNDL stick pro pro-ana prob problemo procrasturbate production proED prof Profashionalism prog prognosis prog rock pro ho projects projects, the prole prolefeed prolly prom promised land, the promise on (one’s) mother’s grave promocation pron pronto proof or STFU propellerhead propeller head proper proper-dopper props pud wrestle pufer puff puff, puff, give puff up (one’s) nuts puffy pug pug fugly puh-leeze puke puker puke shooter pukoid pull pull a boner Pull a Brent pull a brodie pull a Clarence Thomas pull a Dr. Seuss pull a fast one pull a few strings pull a ghost pull a Houdini pull a Monica pull an Aggie pull an all-nighter pull a Nancy Drew pull ass pull a Tiger pull a train pull bong pull chocks pull it pull it together pull off pull off a Trice pull (one’s) dick pull (one’s) head out of (one’s) ass pull (one’s) leg pull (one’s) pud pull (one’s self) together pull (one’s) yo-yo pull out pull out of (one’s) ass pull rank pull skin pull strings pull the other one pull the plug pull the pud pull the trigger puma pump pump and dump pumped pumped up pumper pump fear pump full of lead pump gas at the self-service island pump iron pumpkin pumpkin head pumpkin positive pump (one’s) brakes pump (one’s) breaks pump (one’s) gas pump out pump the brakes punani punanni punazi punch punch a dook punch in punch it punch (one’s) clown punch (one’s) ticket punch out punch the clown punch the governor punch the munchkin punch the starfish punch up punish percy Punjabi Panther Condoms punk punkness punk panties punni punt punter puny pupper pupperazzi puppies puppy love pu put bitch purchase purp purple-headed soldier purple headed solider man purple-headed warrior purple-headed yogurt slinger purple monkey purple nurple purple oboe purple party balloon push a hack push around pushback push brown pushbutton panic push daisies pusher push mud push off push (one’s) buttons push (one’s) wig back push out a grumpy push rope push shit uphill push skin push up daisies puss puss out pussy pussy block pussycat pussy fart pussyfoot about pussyfoot around pussy-hole pussy in the pocket pussy life pussy magnet pussy palace pussyquake pussy-whipped put put a cork in it put all of (one’s) eggs in one basket putang pu-tang put a sock in it put away put down put down some brown ‘puter put in (one’s) place put in the buck put it put lead in (one’s) pencil put on put on airs put on blast put (one) in (one’s) trick bag put (one’s) face on put (one’s) foot in (one’s) mouth put (one’s) guts in put (one’s) head in the sand put (one’s) head on a swivel put (one’s) heads together put on iggy put on the board put on the map put on waivers put out put out fires puts put stock in putter put that in (one’s) pipe and smoke it put that on put the beat down put the blow on put the cloth on put the kibosh on put them paws on put the screws on put the smack down putty in (one’s) hands put up put up or shut up. put your feet on my rug physio pibble pic Picasso Arse piccolo player pich a loaf pick and pull pickin pox pickle pickled pickle fucker pickles pickles and milk pickle-tickle pick-me-up pick up pick up artist pickup line pick up steam PICNIC pics or it didn’t happen. pictures of dead presidents pid piddle piddling piddly pididdle pie piece piece o’ piece of ass piece of cake piece of crap piece of shit penis cap penis-face Penisfart penis vacuum penitentiary drag penny fucker penny pincher pen tester People’s Republic of Berkeley people, the pep
Slang Words Starting With Q
Q & A
quack quarry quart quarter quaterbag Quayle quazi quicktimes quicky quid quidditch quids in quief quif quiff |
queeb queef quacked quad quader quail ass qual quality quanky queefy
question mark queue queue up quick quick-and-dirty |
quick outie quicktime
quim quink quite a penny quit fucking around quivering mound of love pudding quote chapter and verse quote mine queen queen bee queenie queen of Da Nile queer queer-eye |
Starting Words Starting With R
rain coat rainmaker rain or shine raise raise eyebrows raise hell raise holy hell raise (one’s) skirt raise the bar raise the bullshit flag raise the roof raise up raisin raisin ranch raize rake in rake over the coals ralph ralph up ram ramble Rambo ramen profitable Ramho ramp up rancid rando random R and R randy randy-scrandy ranga rank rank and file rank-and-yank rankin’ rank on rank rotten rap rape Reach reach around reach critical mass read read between the lines readjust fluids read my lips read the meter read the riot act ready to go real real deal, the real estate real George reality check Reality Distortion Field real life Really Gear real McCoy, the real nigga Real Soon Now realt real talk real world, the ream ream out rear rear end rearrange deck chairs rearrange the furniture rebate rebound rebound chick recce receipts reco recockulous recognize rectal-cranial extraction red red-ass red ball red cent red ender red eye red flag red flag is down red-headed stepchild red herring red-hot redic red-light district red light on the porch redneck redneck chic redneck cocaine Redneck Riviera redonculous redonkulous redonkulus red ragger red rocket redrum red shirt red tide reeb reechy reef reefer reel in reem
ree ree
reesty ref refi refry reggie reggie miller reggs re-gift re-god damn-diculous regs regulate rehab reinvent the wheel reject re-jigger rekt relations relationshit release hostages release the chocolate hostage relex relieve (one’s) bowels relieve (one’s self) religitard REMF renob rent-a-cop rental Rent-A-Rock ‘rents rent space in (one’s) head rep repairman rep-counter repo repo man represent reptile Republicunt Republitard repug repuke re-re res resonate rest and vest Restroom Romeo rest ya neck retaardvark retail therapy retard retarded retch retcon Rethuglican retox rets rette Reubenesque re-up reverse commute reverse cowgirl revert rev up revved up rewilding rexy rez rezzed out rezzy RFR rheumaholiday rhino rhino bullet ‘rhoids rib RIC rice rice burner Ricegrinder rice out ricer rice-rocket rich Richard Cranium rickett rickey Rick Mybarrs rickroll Rick roll ricockulous Rico Suave ridah ride ride and die chick ride bitch ride cowgirl ride dirty ride high ride on ride (one’s) ass ride (one’s) cotton pony ride (one’s) dick ride (one’s) sack ride out ride shotgun ride stick ride the beef ride the bologna pony ride the break ride the cotton pony ride the deuces ride the D train ride the flagpole ride the hershey highway ride the pole ride the porcelain bus ride the porcelain Honda ride the short bus ride the white horse ride to die ridiculous ridonculous ridonkulous ridorkulous RIF riff-raff rig right right as rain righteous right good right here right mint right on right quick right smartly right tit right up (one’s) alley right whacked right-winger riled riled up rilla rim rim job rims ring ring a bell ringer ring in ring master ring (one’s) bell rink job riot grrrl riot punch rip rip on rip one river river rat rizeal Rizla rizzi rizzide rizzle
roach roach clip roach coach roach killers road apple road dawg road dog road head road-ho roadie road sody road trip roast roast beef roast beef curtains roasted roasted early Robin Spencer robo call robot Ruby Murray ruby shower
rob the cradle Rob Wilco rock rock a deuce rock and roll rock a side pipe rocker rocket science rocket surgery rocket to rocking rock ‘n’ roll rock on rock (one’s) ass rock (one’s) boxers rock (one’s) socks off rock (one’s) world rock out Rock Rental rocks Rocks for Jocks rock soldier rock-solid rock star rock star parking rock the boat rock the deuce rock the mic rock to sleep rock up rod rode hard and put away wet rodent rodeo rodger roffle ROFL ROFLMAO ROFLMFAO roger roid roid juicer roid rage roids Roley bling Rolish roll roll balls roll deep roll-dog rollers rollicking rollie roll in rollin’ rolling wreck rollin’ rat roll in the hay roll like that rollock roll off (one’s) back roll of the dice roll on roll out roll over on roll some logs roll through roll with roly-poly Romance reptile Roman Helmet Romanova romcom Romnesia roof-hare roofie roofus roofy rook Room 101 roomie roomy rooster rooster fish root root for rootin’ tootin’ root rot rope in rort roscoe raped ape rape wagon rapid-fire rapper rap session rap sheet raquetball buddy rare raring to go rark rash rasp raspberry raspy rassclat rassle rat ratard rat-arsed rat-assed rat bastard ratboy ratch ratchet ratchetastic Ratchired rate rated M for mature rathole rat-line rat on rat out rat race rats ratsa rat’s ass rattle rattled rattle (one’s) cage rattle (one’s) dags rat trap ratty raunch raunchy rave raver raw raw deal raw dog rawk rawr raw shock Raw under blown razor razz razzle dazzle R & B RCH rose-colored glasses rosey roshambo ro-sham-bo ro-slo Rosy Rosy Lee rotation ROTFL ROTFLMAO ROTFLMFAO rotglmao rot in hell rotten rotten apple rotten to the core rough rough-and-tumble suspect Roundhead round on row royal royally
rubber-hose cryptanalysis rubberneck rubber stamp rubbish rubby rube rub elbows rub (one) the wrong way rub out rub, the rub up against rudie rudy rule of thumb rules of the game, the
Slang Words Starting From S
sack off sack of shit sack tap sack, the sack up sacred cow sacrilegious sad sad bear sad clown Saddam saddified saddity saddlebags saddle up sadity sadosupremacist sad panda sad sack SAF safe safety meeting safety monkey safety school sag sagger baggers SAHM saine salami salami factory salami party salary man s’all good Sally Sally Ann Sally Anne, The Sally Ann, The Sally’s salmon taco salt salt up salty salty balls salty fish salvo Salvy SAM sambo same diff same difference same old seven and six same old song and dance same shit, different day same shit, different toilet samifferent sammich samo samolean samolian Sampson
sap SAPFU sapiophile sapling sappy sarcaustic sarchasm sargasm sarge sarky sarnies sass sassbox sasser sassified sassy Sasube sauce sauced saucered and blown saucy sauerkraut sausage sausage convention sausage factory sausage fest sausage hang sausage jockey sausage party sausage queen sausage wallet savage saved by the bell save face save it for David save (one’s) butt sawbuck sawggy saw wood say wha? Say what?
Scab lifter scadorkable scads scag scally scallywag scalp scalper scalvage scam scandalous scape scape on scared shitless scared to death scaredy cat scare the crap out of scare the hell out of scare the shit out of scare up scarf scarf down scarlet scarred scary scat scattergram scattywampous scav SCC scene scenester scheisse scheisty schicki-micki schizo schizophrenic schlep schlitz, the schlock schlockmeister schlong schlong juice schlort schlub schlubby schlup schmack schmaltz schmaltzy schmammered schmeck schmeckel schmeg schmo schmoe schmoo schmooze schmuck schmutz schnaps schnazzy schnikes schnister schnitzel schnockered schnoogins schnookered schnoz schnozz schnuckered school schoolboy Schoolboy honor school of hard knocks schooner schpeel Schrich schtick schtonking schtupp schwacked schwag
sconge scoobies scoobs scooby scooby snack scooch scoop scoop, the scoot scootch scooter-poot scooter trash scope scope creep scope out scorcher score score a touchdown score, the Scott SCOTUS scouse scout’s honor scram scramble (one’s) brains scramble (one’s) egg scrams scran scrank scrap scrap car scraper scrape together scraps scrap yard scratch Scratchy Sweater scream screamer screaming screaming seaman screamo screenie screen suck screw screw around screwball screwed screwed up screwhead screw it screw off screw over screw the badger screw the pooch screwton screw up screw with screw with (one’s) head screwy screwy Louie scribbler Scrike scrill scrilla scrillah scrillas scrip script kiddie scrobble scrog scrogged scrogging moon scrogtastic scroll scromp scrooge scroosh scrote scrotie SCROTUS scrotyshot scrounge off scrounge up scrub scrubb scruffy scrump scrump it scrumptious scrunchie scuble scud scuff Scully Scully girl scum scumbag scum-bucket scummy scum of the earth scum-sucker scum-sucking Scum sucking baby raper scunner scunt scur scurred scurry scurvy scutt scutter scuttle scuttlebutt scuz scuzz scuzzball scuzz-bucket scuzzy scype sea dog sea donkey seagull sea hag sea legs seal the deal Seamant Dick seapickle searchency Sebastien sec Sec Def Sec Nav second second base second shift secretary spread secret sauce section 8 security theater seddity see see a man about a dog see a man about a horse see a man about a mule seed seed eater seed money seedy see eye-to-eye seeing to see me see Mr. H see Mrs. Murphy seen better looking corpses see (one) later see (one’s) lunch again see other people see red see the light see the varmint see the world see what (one) did there see ya see you in hell see you in the funny papers see you later, alligator see you next Tuesday select selector self-abuse selfie selfiediction self-love sell sell dreams sell it to sell (one’s) soul sell out sell the Buick sell wolf tickets semi semi-fresh senate send a fax send to the farm senioritis senior moment Seppo ‘sept
shabby shabby chic shaboink Shabu shack shack up shaddup shades shadetree mechanic shade tree mechanic shady shaft shag shagadelic shaggadelic shagged shagged out shagging wagon shaggin the haggis shags shagtastic shake shake a leg shake and bake shake down shake hands with a legend shake hands with the vicar shake hands with the wife’s best friend shake out shakes, the shake the creamer shake the dew off (one’s) lilly shake the dragon shake the spizot shake the spot shalandzie shalom in the home sham shambles Shamone shamp shampers shanghai shank shank it shanty shard Shardvark shareware shark shark week sharp sharp as a marble sharp as a tack sharpen a pencil sharpest knife in the drawer, the sharpest pencil in the box, the sharpie shart shart (one’s self) sharts, the shash shatmosphere Shawol shawty shay shazam shazbot she shebang shebop shed shed a tear shedload shee-it Sheen sheep sheeple sheer sheesh sheezy Sheila She is a toss up sheisty shelf shelfware shell shellack shellacked shellacking shell out shell-toe shemp shenanigans Shepherd, get the flock out she-pimp sherlock sherm shext shh shi shibby shickered shickled titless Shiela shiest shiesty shift shifty shiggles shiksa shill shim shindig shine shine it shine on shiner Shiney Object Syndrome shintock shintos shiny Shiny Object Syndrome ship ship-load ship out shipwrecked shirt lifter shi-shi shisty shit shit a brick shit a cold purple Twinkie shitake shit all over shitass shit-bag shit ball shitballs shit-bat crazy shit-beard shit box shit bricks shit brix shit buggy shitcan shit-canned shit chute shit-dinner shit disturber shitdog shite shit eye shitface shit-faced shit fit shit for brains shit Frisbees shit fucker shit happens shit happens just don’t step in it shithead shit hits the fan shit hole shit house shit house door on a tuna boat shit in (one’s) Cheerios shit in (one’s) Cheerio’s shit in (one’s) mouth shit in (one’s) Wheaties shit kicker shitkickers shit kickers shit knuckle brown shit knuckle green shitlist shit list shitload shit-load shitmixed shit money shit nugget shit on shit on a shank shit on a shingle shit (one’s) pants shit (one’s self) shit on toast shit or get off the pot shit out of luck shit paper shit-pickle shit pile shit purple Twinkies shit room shits shits and giggles shits and gigs shit sandwich shit shoveler shit show shit slap shit snacking crackers shits ‘n’ giggles shit’s on the rise shit stain shits, the shitstickels shit stirrer shit-stompers shit storm shit talking shitter shit, the shit the bed shit tickets shittiest shitting hell shittles shit-ton shit Twinkies shitty shitty mess shit yellow shit you not streetwise Streggae stress stretch stretch goal strictly dickly strike strill string along stringer string of pearls stripper boots stripper heels stroke Stroke Belt, The stroke it stroke (one’s) salami stroke the pickle stroke the salami stroke the weasel stroll strop stroppy struggle strung out strunk struth strut (one’s) stuff stu stubbies stubby stuck stuckee stuck like chuck stuck on Stuck on stupid stuck-up stud stud muffin studpuppy stuff stuffed stuffed shirt stuff it stuff legends are made of stuff me dead shiv shiz shiza shiznak shiznat shiznik shiznik, the shiznip shiznit shiznits shiznit, the shiznot shiznut shizo shizot shizz shizzle shizzle (one’s) nizzle shlick shlittle shload shlock shlockmeister shlong shmacked shmancy shmo shmoe shmuck shmup shmutz shnickerdoodles shnikies shnockered shnookums sho shock shocker shocker, the shock hoe shock jock shoddy shoe shoe-leather shoes shomit shone sho nuff sho’nuff shoo shoo-in shook shooked shoop shoot shoot a round shoot blanks shoot bunnies shoot hoops shooting gallery shoot off at the mouth shoot (one’s) load shoot (one’s) mouth off shoot (one’s) wad shoot the beaver shoot the breeze shoot the bull shoot the curl shoot the fade shoot the shit shoot up shop shore-walker short short and curlies short and sweet short bus to hell short change short-eyes shortfi short fuse Short Man syndrome short-stop shorty Shorty McShort-shorts shot shot caller shotgun shotgun approach Shotgun Joe shotgun wedding shot in the ass shotter shotty shotty back shoulda shoulder-surf shoulder surfer should have done somewhen somos son sona sone son of a son of a bitch son of a gun SOS sot SOTU Sotware soul-crushing soul food soul patch soul-searching soft skills software software rot softy so full of shit (one’s) eyes are brown soggy box soggy muffin SOHO SOL sold on solid solja rags solution something to crow about somethin’ somethin’ Some um – Some um |
shove it shove it up (one’s) ass shovel shovel-face shovelware shove off show showboat show off show (one’s) ass show (one’s) O face show (one’s) stuff show some skin show some teeth showstopper show time show up shpeel shpos shrapnel shred shredded shredder shrimp shrimper shrimping shrink shrinkage shrink-wrapped software Saint-Da-Fied sal salad bowl salad days salad dodger salad tossing shroom shruggery SHTF shtick Shtuff shucks shum shup shut down shut-eye spankerchief spank Hank spankies spanking spank it spank (one’s) monkey shut it shut (one’s) ball washer shut (one’s) barn door shut (one’s) face shut (one’s) flytrap shut (one’s) hole shut (one’s) mouth wide open shut (one’s) pie-hole shutter-bug shut the front door shut the fuck up shut the hell up shut up shut yo’ mouth sancho sand sand bag sandbar sandbox sando sano santorum shwag shwang shwank shwanky shwasted shway shweat shweaty betty shwing shy bladder shyeah shylock shystee shyster shystie
SIC ILL sick sick and tired sick as a dog sick dog sick fuck sicknasty sicko sick of sick (one’s) duck sick wid it sicky dank sid siddity sideboob sidebulge Side Piece sideshow sidetrack sideways sideways 8 sideways sloppy joe siditty signal-to-noise ratio signify sign walker sike siked silent but deadly silent but violent Silicon Alley silicon valley silly goose silo silver bullet silver fox silver fur silver spoon sim simmer simmer down simoleon Simon simp simpatico sin bin since Hector was a pup sing single single barrel pump action yogurt rifle single-serving friend sing like a canary sinker sinse sinsemilla sinus oyster siphon the python Sipkes sip on (one’s) Kool-Aid sippy cup siren sirloin drapes siro sis sissy Sissy Baby Transvestite sissy bar sista sister sister act sister from another mister sit bitch sitch sit-down sit-in sit on the fence sit pretty sit shotgun sitter sit tight sitting duck situation normal – all fucked up SIU six sixer six feet under six-figure six fow six pack six packs and bitches sixth sense sixty nine size queen size up siznack sizzle sizzler sizzurp skag Skaglick skanger skank skankily skank top skank-whore skanky ska-pow skat skataball skate skater skate rocks skater skank skates skazzy skedaddle skeered skeet skeeter skeet skeet skeet skirt skeeve skeeve out skeevy skeevy ho skee-wee skeeze skeezer skeezo skeezy skeezy ho skeg skelator skelp skerd skermit skerred sket sketch sketch-a-saurous rex sketchball sketch ball sketch balls sketcher sketchy sketel skett skewl skho ski -ski skibble skid skidaddle skiddly-doo skidmark skid mark skid row skift skiied skillage skills skillz skimp skin skin a bear skin alive skin and blister skin flick skin flute skinner skinny skinny-dip skinny fat skinny, the skin off skins skinship skint skip skip bail skip off skip out on skippies skippy skips skirt skirts and suits skits out skitters skittles skitzy skive skivvie skivvies skivvy sko skoatched skoche skode skoogie skookum skool skootch Skore skosh skrait skrill skrilla skrog skronk SKU skud skuke skull skull cave skullet skullett skullfuck skull sweat skunk skunk weed skunky skunt skurred skurr out skux sky daddy Skygo skyrocket sky up slab slabbin’ slack slackass slacker slack-jaw slack-jawed slack-jawed lackey slack off slacktivism slag Slaggund slaggy slag off slag pit SLAI slam slam book slam dance slam dunk slamhog slam it slammed slammer, the slammin’ slamming slam piece slampig slang Slangatoilegami slang term for diarhea the green apple quick steps slanpided slant slap slap and tickle slap-dick slap on the wrist slapper slappy face slaptard slap the salami slap uglies slap with slash Slashdot slasher slater alligator slaughter slaughtered slave away slave over slaw slay sleaze sleazebag sleazeball sleazy sled sledge sleep around sleeper sleep on sleep with sleep with the fishes sleeve sleezy sleuth slice sliced slich slick slicker than a cat’s ass Slick Willy slide slide out slider slim slimebag slimeball slime ball move slime on a stick slime slot slim fast slim jim sling sling mud slingshot slink chogie slinkster slip slip a mickey slip one slip on the fun sticks slippery slippery danced slippery slope slippy slip the pickle slip through the backdoor slip up slirpy slit slitch sliz slizzard slo slob slobberknocker slob (one’s) knob slob on (one’s) knob septic tank Sergeant Schultz defense serial serious as a heart attack serve service service man service with a smile sesh session set it out set of lungs set of wheels set (one) back set-out set straight set up set up shop Sev seven-eleven seven figure seven thirty seventies bush sewer trout sex sex between three people sex bomb sexbot sexcapade sexcellent sex changer Sex dish sexeh sexface sex fiend sexile sex kitten sexpert sexploit sexpot sext sexual athlete sex up sex with someone you love sexy sexy beast sexy mama sexy time sez SFA SFSG SFW SFWM or DFWM SGTM shabbam slock slog slo-mo slooch slop slope slopeage sloppy sloppy seconds slor slore slosh sloshed sloth-cloth slow slow (one’s) roll slow time slow up slub sluff slug slugbug slug line slumgullion slum it Slump slumpbuster slump buster slumper slums slung slunt sluntbucket sluntbucketry slurp the gherkin slurry slush slushbox slush fund slut Slutasaurus slutation slut bucket slutburger slut fuck slut goggles slut monkey slutty sly S & M smack smack around smack dab smack down smacked smacked with a 40 smack Lester smacktard smagoons small beer small-cap small fry small kine small patato small potatoes small print, the small talk smarm smarmy smart smart alec smart aleck smart ass smart cookie smart dog smarticle smart money, the smarts smarty smarty-pants smash smash and grab smashed smasher smash hips smashing smashingly smash-mouth smash the envelope SMD SMDH sme smear smear the bowl smeezy smeg smeghead smegma smell smell a rat smell bacon smell (one) later smell-o-vision smell right smells like capers Smells like teen Smear it smell something fishy smexy SMFH SMH smidge smidgen smile like a donut smile test smiz SMO smog smoke smoke a bowl smoke and mirrors smoke a sausage smoke crack smoked smoke dope smoke (one’s) johnson smoke (one’s) pole smoke on that smoke out smoke pole smoke pot smoker smoke test smoke the flesh cigar smoke up smokey smokey treat smokin smoking smoking on gasoline smoky treat smoo smooch smooch session smooth smooth as silk smooth move smooth move, Ex-Lax smooth over smooth water smoove smore smotherfuck smuck smuggle a yo-yo smuggle peanuts smuggle peas smuggle raisins smuggle yo-yos smurf smurf this Smurf Turf smush smusher smush mitten smut smut factory SN snack snack boy snacky SNAF snaffle snafu snag snaggle tooth snag out snags snail snail mail snail, the snake snake mountain snap snap out of it snapper snapperhead snappy snaps snaps for the petro snaps on the petrol snarf snarfle snark snarkcasm snarky snarl snarling snart snatch snatch a knot in (one’s) ass snazz snazz up snazzy sneak sneak-dis sneakernet sneakers SNERT sniff sniff around sniffer sniff out snifty sniggle Sniglet snikey snip snipe snip, the snitch snitcher snitches get stitches snitch jacket snizz snizzle snizzo snob snobby snockered snog snoochie snoochie boochies snoogy snooker snookered snookered behind the red snooty snooze snoozer snorbs snork snorkel snorkeling snorkling snortle snot snotlocker snot-nosed snot-pop snot rag snot rocket snot slingin’ drunk snotty snotty gobbles snough snow snowball snowbird snowboard snowbow snow bunny snozzer SNR S/N ratio snuck snuff snuff it son of a whore sons of bitches soonish SOP sophomore slump sore soregasm sorority squat sorority squat, the sorostitute sorry sorta sorted sortie soul-sucking sound sound as a pound sound bite sound off soup soup ass soup coolers souped souped-up Soup Nigga soup sandwich soup to nuts soup up sour fruit sour-puss soused south of south of cheese southpaw south paw |
so what?
sow (one’s) oats sow (one’s) wild oats so, yeah soz spa space space-age space cadet spaced out space opera space out space queen spacey spade spaf spaghetti code spam spam account spammy spamvertize spange spangled Spanglish Spanish spank spankable spank bank spanked
spankrag spank rag spanks spank the monkey spank you spannered spare spare cycles spare tire spark spark it up sparklefuck spark up sparky sparrow-fart spastic spaz spaz out spazzy speak Dutch speak of the devil. speak the language speak the same language spearhead spec special special-case special K special sauce specialton specimen spec-ops spec out specs sped speed speedball speed bump speed freak speeding speed money spell spend a penny spendy sperg sperm bank spesh spew spext spexting sphincter spice spice things up spice up spich spicy spide spider spiderman spider sense spidey sense spidge spiel spiffed out spiffy spiffylicious spike spike up spill spill gravy spill it spill (one’s) beans spill (one’s) guts spill out spill the beans spin spin art spin doctor spine spineless spinner spins, the spit spit game spit the dummy spit the game spitting image of, the spitting shingles and dragging fence spiv splackavellie splain ‘splain splash Splashback splash (one’s) boots splash out splash screen splatters splendiferous spliff splifficated spliffy split split hairs split (one’s) wig split-tail splitter-upper split the difference split the sheets split with sploof splooge spluge splurge splurk splurt spoddy spoiler spoiler alert spondulics sponge sponged sponge off spoof spooge spook spoon spoon, the spork sport sport a chubster sport fuck sporto sport sex Sportsterize sporty spot spotlight, the spot on Spottie SpottieOttie SpottieOttieDopalicious SpottieOttieDope spout off sprained vagina sprang spray spread spread-eagle spread it on thick spread (one’s) seed spring spring a leak spring for spring into action spring on sprout sprucer sprung spuckie spud spud up spum spun spunk spunk bucket spunk up spunky spunky monkey spun out spyware Sqaggly sqeebage squab squabble squabelz squad squally square square away square the circle square up squat squat a grump squat a grumpy squatchy squat party squawk squawk box squeak squeaker squeal squee squeege squeeze squeeze a Hershey’s kiss squeeze a steamer squeeze cheek shuffle squeeze out squeeze out a Cleveland steamer squege squelch squick squick out squicky squid squidgy squirrel squirrel away squirrels squirrel’s left nut squirrely squirt squirts, the squish mitten squishy squits, the squoze srs srs bsns srs bzns srsly sry SSDD SSP S squared, D squared SSS S, S & S stabby stab in the back stache stack stackable stacked stack papers stacks stacks of stack the deck stage father stage mother stage parent stag party stah stallion stamp standard issue standing water stand up stang stank stanksta stanky stanky leg, the stank you stanley steamer Starbucks name star craving mad starfish starkers stark naked stark-raving mad starry-eyed Stars for Stoners starter marriage start from scratch start swinging starve starvin’ like Marvin stash stat state of play, the states, the static staticy statie status jack stay staycation steal steal (one’s) thunder steam steamed steamed up steamer steaming steaming chilidog steamin’ semen roadway steamy steamy deuce steaze Steedious steek steely-nerved steep steerage steez steeze stegnut stekkie stellar stem stems stench trench step stepdude step off step on step on a duck step on a mud duck step on it step out steps step to step up step up (one’s) game stern Stevie Wonder could see stew stewed STFO STFU STFW sth stick stick a fork in stick around sticker shock stickier than a Vietnamese whore in a peanut brittle factory stick in the mud stick it in the fridge stick it out stickman stick (one’s) nose in other people’s business sticks, the stick to it-ivness stick to the 3 B’s sticky sticky-fingers sticky icky sticky icky icky stickytip stiff stiffie stiff shit stiffy stig STIK-E-CHIN stiked Still pitching stinger sting ring stingy stink stinker stink eye stink finger stinkie cheese stinking stinking rich stink on the hang down stink pickle stink, the stink to high heaven stink up the place stinky stir-crazy stitch down stoat gobbler stock the lake with brown trout stog stogie stogy stoked stole stole on stolo stomp stomple stomp out flaming ducks stomps stone ‘stone stone broke stone cold fox stoned stoneder stonefaced stone (one’s) groove stoner stones stoog stooge stool stool pigeon stoopid stoosh stop and goes stop the presses. stoptional storm the cotton gin story stouty Stove stovepipe stove up str8 straddle straight straight away straight dope, the straight-edge straighten out straighten up straight from the fridge straight from the tap straight good straight lace straight scoop straight shooter straight up straight up and down strain the potatoes strange duck stranger stranger, the strap strap on strap on a feedbag strap on a feed-bag strapped strapped for strapped for cash strap twice strat strawberry strawberry creams strawberry shortcake streak streaker street street cred street dog street meat street pharmacist street pizza street punk street runner street smart street smarts Street Taco Street, The street walker
stuff (one’s) face stuff, the stuffy stumble fuck stump stump-broke stumped stumpy stundawg stunner stunt stunt double stunter stupid stupider stupid for stupid fresh stupidly stupid money Stupidsaurus stut sty styfe styish styling stylin’, profilin’ and buckwilin’ suave SUB submarine subout suburban assault vehicle suck suck a bag of dicks suck a big one suck a d suck a dick suck a donkey’s dick suckaface suck a fat baby’s dick suck a fat one suck a fatty sucka-fu chicken-head suck and fuck suck ass suck at suck canal water suck dick suck donkey dick suck down sucker sucker-punch suck face suck hind tit suckin’ ain’t fuckin’ suck it suckitude suck it up suckity suck like shit on toast sucko suck off suck (one’s) dick suck on that suck rocks suck shit suck so hard suck that suck the big one suck the golden teat suck up sucky sucky fucky suds sufficiently small sugar sugar booger sugar-coat sugar daddy sugar honey ice tea sugar ring Sugar tit sugar tits sugar walls suicide door suicide lane suit suitably small Suitcases sulbs sum sumbitch summer teeth sumple sum up sunbite Sunday dad Sunday face Sunday go-to-meeting clothes sunshine sup ‘sup supa fly ‘sup, b? sup, b? ‘sup, dawg super Super Balling supercalifragilisticexpialidocious superfly super freak supergroup superman super soaker supoibe suppers ‘sup yo? surcee sureboy sure-fire surface surfboard surf the crimson tide surf the crimson wave surf the net surprise sex surrender monkey surveil Susan Glenn Sushma Chaudhary suspect suspy suss sussie suss out sux swack swag swagg swagger swaggie swaggled swag in a box swag out swaled swallow swallow (one’s) kids swallow (one’s) load swallow (one’s) pride swamp ass swamp donkey swamped swamp nuts swamp rat swan swang it swani or swany swank swankalishious swanky swap swapap swap in swap out swap saliva swap space swap spit swarp swass swatchin swatching Swauvy sway SWD swear down sweargasm swear like a sailor swear off swear on (one’s) mother’s grave swear to god sweat sweat balls sweat bullets sweater meat sweater puppies sweater teeth swede sweet sweet action sweet as sweet ass music sweet bitch sweetchious sweet dick daddy with the candy balls sweet FA sweetheart sweetie sweetie pus sweet jumps sweet-lock sweet loving sweet Mary, mother of God sweet nectar sweetness sweet pea sweet sauce sweet sister of mine sweet talk sweet tits sweet titties swell swells swerve Swerving SWF swick Swiff swig swill swilled swim in swim in gravy swing swing both ways swinger swing for the fences swing it swing off (one’s) nuts swing shift swing that way swipe swirl swish Swish Alps, the Swiss Swiss-Army chainsaw switch switcheroo switch hitter Switzerland swivel-head SWM SWMBO swole swoll swolled swoop swoop in swoop on sword fight SWPP swy SWYH SYAU syke syl sympathy fuck sync syonara
snow-cap snowflake Snowflake-out Snowmageddon snowman Snowpocalypse snowtograph snow under Snowzilla snuff movie snuff out snug as a bug in a rug snurp SO S/O so 15 minutes ago soakers so-and-so SOB SoCal soccer mom social engineer social engineering socialize sock sock puppet sod soda sodapop SODDI sodding sod off sod that for a game of Soldiers sody sody pop sofa king soft softened up soften up softie soft in the head some kind of cunt some shit some sugar something awful |