ONLINE SLANG WORDS VOCABULARY LIST | Slang words are of great use as they tell others the whole story with few words and it is serious or funny or natural humor you have.
Slang Words Starting From D
d00d d6 da da9 dab da bomb dac dack dacks dad bod daddio daddy dadgum dad-gummit DADS DAE daffy dafuq dag dag nabbit dago Daily Fail daily grind, the dain bramaged daisy dukes da kine Dalit Panther Condoms Dalit Panther Hunter damaged goods damage, the dame Dame Williams dammit damn damned damn it damn skippy damn straight damn to hell damp DAN dance dance in the rain dance the chocolate cha-cha dance up on dance with Mary Jane D and D dandruffed dandy dang dangle flap dangler dang straight da nile Da Nile isn’t just a river in Egypt. dank dankrupt danky Danza slap dap darb dark dark horse dark-side darling darn darn tootin’ darrel dart dash da shit da shiznit dasn’t dat datasfy date date Miss Michigan date Mrs. Palmer dat rite dat’s dat shi cray DATY dauncey da’upid dawg dawgie Dawson daycation days daz DB D&B d bag DBI d-block DC DD d’d D.D. DDF D/D free DDG dead dead air dead ass deadbeat dead cracked dead drunk deaded dead end Deadhead dead log dead meat dead nuts dead presidents dead ringer dead rubber dead serious dead soldier dead tired dead tree dead weight dead wrong deal deal breaker dealer dealer’s choice dealy dealybopper dear john letter de-ass death stick Debbie Downer Debby Downer debo debug dece december decent Rita deck decked out decker deck out decompress dedi deebo deece deem deena deep deep dive deep doo-doo deep down in (one’s) heart deep pockets deep six deep throat deep throat massage dees deets deetz deez deez nuts deez nutz def defecation roster defenestrate deffo definity deflicted def obvi de-food defriend de-funk and re-rag dehose deke dekko delete (one’s self) deli delicate delish deliverable Deliveranceville deliver the big salad dem demo Democrite dense dental swag departure lounge deph der derb derb squad derf derm dero derp derro dese desert bat Desi desirous party desk jockey desk monkey destroyed DET deuce deuce deuce deuce out the roof deuces deuce, the deuche deuche bag devil Devil’s Advocate, Playing devil’s fortune teller devil, the devious dew dewjigger DFTBA DFTT DGAF DH dhont diabot DIAF dial dial back dial down dialed dialed-in dial the porcelain phone dial tone dial-up diaper diaper breath diaper drive diaper gravy diarrhea of the mouth dibo dibs dibsies dice dicey dick dick around Dickasaurus Rex dick-ass dickbag dick beaters dickbrain dick-do dickens, the dicketry dick face dick fart dick flick dickful dickhead dick head dickhole dick hole dickism dickless dick lick dick out dick ride dick shy dick slap dicksmack dick smack dick smalls dick snot dickster dick sucker dick tease dick the dog dickum dickwad dick wad dickweed dick weed dick-whipped dick with dicky-doo dicty diddle diddly diddly-squat diddy bop did Rose Kennedy have a black frock? did you dirty die die horribly die laughing diesel diet diet pill diff diffy dig dig a hole dig for worms diggings diggle dig in dig it digital digital immaturity digits dig on dig (one’s) chili dig (one’s) potatoes dig out digs dig up diiiiig dildo DILF dillhole dill hole dilligaf DILLIGAS dill weed dilly dilly-dally dilly-o dilly, the dilurga dim dime dime bag dime off dime piece dimeslots dimp dimrettes dimwad dimwit din-din dine and dash dine at the Y diner ding ding-a-ling dingbat ding-ding ding dong ding-dong ditch ding-head dingis dingleberry dingleboulder dingledorf dingleshanks ding up dyke dyme |
dingy dink dinker dinkum dinky dinner skipper DINO dinosaur dint dip dip a dinky diped diplobrat diploma mill dip off dip on dip (one’s) wick dip out dippy dipset dipshit dipstick dipsy doodle Directioner direct report dirk Dirk Diggler dirp dirrty dirt dirtbag dirtface dirties dirt merchant dirtmonger dirt nap dirt road dirt rocker dirt star dirt stick dirt, the dirtwad dirt weed dirty dirty 3rd dirty engine Dirty Ernie dirty Juanita dirty look dirty mack dirty mind dirty money dirty pirate dirty Sanchez dirty South Dirty sprite Dirty Suarez Dirty, the dis disappear disaster area disastrophy disco disco biscuit discombobulated discombooberated discombopulated disco nap disconflodulated disco stick disco tits disgusting dish dish it out dish out disk disrespect diss Dissed out ditch ditch out ditch weed ditto ditty bag ditz ditzy div diva diva up dive divo divvy up Dixie wrecked DIY dizam dizzle DL DL, the DM DMI DMIID DMY DNB DND d’no dnt do DOA do a Bradbury do a brodie doad do a job on do a line do a number on do a poo do a solid do a thing with someone do a ton DOB do both jobs doc do cartwheels dock dockman’s hanky doco doctor doctored doctor is in doctor shop doddle doder dodge dodge a bullet dodgey dodgy dodo do-do do donuts dodus doe does the carpet match the curtains does the carpet match the drapes DOFH doflicky dog dog and bone Dog and phony show dog and pony show dog ate (one’s) lunch dog-ear doger dog-faced dogfood dogg doggie doggie do doggie style doggo doggone doggone it doggy doggy bag doggy style dog it Dog milk cheese dog-pile dog rocket dogs dog’s bollocks, the dog’s bollox, the dog’s breakfast dog’s nuts, the dog tag Dogtown dog wanker doh d’oh do-hickey do-hicky do homework doiche doily doin do in doing the oreo doink doinker do it doja dokey DOL dolex dolja doll dollar dollars dollars to donuts dolled up doll-face doll up dolo dolphin, the dolt dome do me domeage domepiece dome piece dome-squash dominion do my head Donald Trump done done for done in doneski done with donezo done-zo dong donger donk donkey donkey ass donkey-faced donkey punch donk off donorcycle don’t ask. don’t do me don’t drop the soap dawg don’t get it twisted don’t hate the jiggly don’t leave (one) hanging don’t play (one) stupid donut donut hole doo doob doober doobie doobie master dood doodad doodee doodie doodle block doo-doo doody doofus doogan doogee doogie doohickey doojimmyflip dook dooker dookey dookey chute dookie dookie braid dookie fresh dookie love dookie maker dookie salad dooky do one do (one) for do (one’s) business do (one’s) head in doorknob doorknocker doormat doorstop doosh doot do over dooze doozie doozy dope doped up dope fiend dope head dope monger dope peddler doper dope whore dopey do-rag do re mi dork dork breath dorkery dork fish dorkhead dork slap dorkus dorky dormet dose dosh doss dosser dossy dot dot-bomb dot-com dot cotton do the cheetah-flips do the deed do the full monty do the horizontal bop do the martini yodel do the nasty do the paperwork do the pee-pee dance do the pooch do the Technicolor yawn do time dot Indian dotted line report dotty double agent double bag double-bagger double bomb double-click (one’s) mouse double coyote ugly double dip double dog dare double domes double double double down on double D’s double fist double jack double o seven double P doubleplus double R double take double-time it double trouble double whammy doubly purdy doubtcasting doubting Thomas douche douche’ douche b douchebag douche bag douche bagel douchebaggery douche canoe douche chill dynamite DYOH |
douche dick douche hole douche it douchenoggle douche nozzle doucher Doucherrhia douche sack douchey dough doughboy doughnut doughnut bumper doughnut hole doughty douie do up doush dove do what? do what it says on the tin do what now? down down-and-dirty down below down-blouse down da line downer down for downhome downhomer down in the dumps download down low down on (one’s) luck downshift the dirtbike downstairs down the hatch down there down the road down to the wire downtown down town Down Under down with do work dox doy doze doze off DP draft camp draft pick drag drag ass drag king dragon dragon breath drag (one’s) ass drag (one’s) dick drag (one’s) wagon drag queen drag through the mud Dragula drain bramage drainer drain (one’s) lizard drain (one’s) main vein drain (one’s) radiator drain the beaver drain the dragon drain the lizard drain the main vain drain the main vein drain the radiator dram drama drama queen Dramastic dramatical dramedy drank drape Draped drapes drat drats draw draw a blank draw a line in the sand dreamboat dreck Dreckula dress down dressfreak dress to kill dress to the nines dressual drew drib dribs and drabs drier than a popcorned fart drier than a popcorn fart drift driftwood drill drill down drill for oil drill, the drink from the fire hose drinkie winkie drink like a fish drink (one) up drink out drink, the drink the Kool-Aid drink under the table drip dripping drippings drippy spliff drip, the drive drive batty drive-by drive nuts drive (one) potty driver eight drive the porcelain bus drive up the wall driveway story dro droid drone drongo droog drop drop a beat drop a bomb drop a C-bomb drop a chalupa drop a coil drop a deuce drop a dime drop a dookie drop a duce drop a fat lip drop a hiroshima drop a hot bomb drop a load drop a lobster drop a log drop an f-bomb drop ass drop a stink pickle drop back kick drop bait drop dead drop deuces drop gloves drop in the bucket dropkick drop kids off at the pool drop knowledge drop like flies drop (one’s) guts Dropping Biebers droppings drop plates drop science drop some bait drop some friends off at the lake drop some friends off at the pool drop some wolf bait drop the ball drop the bomb drop the deuce drop the f-bomb drop the gloves drop the kids off drop the kids off at the pool drop trou drop trout drop wolf bait Drop you like a bad habit. drove drown drudge druggie druggie buggie druggy drug out Drugula drum drummy drunk drunk-dial drunk tank druthers dry dry as a dead dingo’s donger dry as a nun’s nasty dry dock dry fuck dry heave dry hump dry run dry sex DS d’s DSB DSL DT DTF D, the D train DTRT DTs dub dube dube cruise dubs dub sixes dubya dubz ducats duce duce duce Duchovnian duck duckbutter duck butter ducked-off ducked up duckets duckface duckies ducking duck sick ducky dud dude duded up dude, fuckin dudekind dude-o-gram dude ranch dudester dudette duds dueche bag due dil due dill duff duffer dugg dug out duh duh factor, the duke duke it duke it out dukes dukess dukey dull as dish-water Dullsville dumb dumbard dumb as a box of rocks dumb as a brick dumb as a rock dumb as dog shit dumbass dumb-ass dumb box dumb brick dumb bunny dumb down dumb dumb dumber than a bucket of hammers dumber than a coal bucket dumbfuck dumb-fuck dumbgrade dumb-head dumbmasses dumbo dumbphone dumbshitedness dumbsize dummy dummy man dummy-spit dummy-tit dummy up dump dumped dumpling dump on dump out dumps like a truck dumpster dive dump truck dumpy Dumsor dun duncle dundoes dungeon master dunk (one’s) fish dunlap syndrome dunlop dunn dunno dunny dunny sack dunscout dunzo D-up dupe dur durb durge durry dust dust bunny dusting Dust Off dust (one’s) ass dust (one’s) back off dustup dusty Dutch fuck Dutchie Dutch Oven Dutch wife dutchy dutt duwoperdy DVA DVDA DW dwam DWB dweeb DWIM DWT Dydrate dyesasters DYK |
Slang Words Starting From E
e- EAD eager beaver eagle trip E and R earboob ear candy earful eargasm ear hustle ear-hustler earl early early bird earn (one’s) red wings earth to someone earworm East Ass East Bubblefuck East Buddah East Bumblefuck East bumfuck East Bum-fuck East Butt-fuck Easter egg East Jabip East Jahunga East Jerusalem East Jesus East Jesus, New Jersey East Nowhere East Upchuck easy easy as pie easy money’s on, the easy on the eyes easy-peasy easy peasy, lemon squeezy eat eat a bitch eat a dick eat a furburger eat and run eat a peach eat at the Y eat crow eat dirt Eaten by snakes eat fur pie eat hair pie eat humble pie eatin’ ain’t cheatin’ eat it eat it up eat lead eat like a bird eat like a horse eat me eat my shorts eat (one) out of house and home eat (one’s) bitch flakes eat (one’s) gun eat (one’s) own dog food eat (one’s) words eat out eat paint chips as a kid eat pavement eat pussy eats eat shit eat shit and die eat some clams EBF ebil E-bling Ebola Ebola-ed e bomb echo chamber ecilop ecohacking econo eco nut ecosophy eyes on the ball |
edge edged edges edgy e-dress eejit ef eff effing eff off ef-ing EG egads e-gawk egg egghead egg on eggroll egosurf ego surf ego trip egotude Egypt eh EI Eiffel Tower eightball eight ball eight figure eighth eight up eighty-one eighty-six Einstein eish ekse elbow elbow grease elbow skin el chappo el cheapo electric Koolaid electric soup elevator elevator music elevator pitch eleventeen eleventeener ELI5 elite El-Tee Elvis ’em Emacs pinky embiggen emcee e me emersons E-mix emo emo kid emotionally fuck over emp empty-nester empty (one’s) bowels end endo end of end of the line ends enema bag enough said Enron ent EOB EOD EOF EOM e-peen e-penis epi epic epic fail Epicycle epiglutis epissany
epizoodie, the
epizootics of the blowhole e-puddle equal opportunity offender equipment erase erit Erk ermagrd ermahgerd errand boy errbody errr errwhere ersatz erve escalatte escort ese Eskimo kiss esky estergard Estrogenal ETA e-tard e-tarded etch-a-sketch moment ethnic e-ticket e-ticket ride euphemysticism evacuate evah evawhere even-stevens even the score Evercrack everybody and his brother everybody and their mama Everybody Sucks 2016 every cloud has a silver lining. every nook and cranny everything everything but the kitchen sink every which way EVHOLE evict the Jeffersons evil evo-devo EVOO evrythin ew EWBTE eww ex exaggerlie exam excuse me all to hell excuse (one’s) French exec Executive Excedrin exhibit exit expat expel the hamster expiry exqueeze exsqueeze exsqueezme extracurricular activities eye eyeball eyeballs eye-bang eye broccoli eyebrowsing eye candy eye crusty eye-fuck eyeful eye-hump eye jammie eye-opener ecstasy eye-popping
Slang Words Starting From F
F2F F2P f4f f4m FA fab faboo fabu face face cancer faced faced out face hole face like a workman’s bench face man facepalm faceplant face the music face time Facey facial facialize facsimile fact check factchecker factory air fade faded fade out fader fadiculas fadunk FAF faff faff about faff around fag fagbag faggot fag hag FAGO Fagtard fail fail a fortitude save fail a reflex save fail a will save fail whale fair dinkum Fairy fairy dust fairyland fake fake bake fakedie fakegasm faker fake the deal falcon punch Falicia fall all over fall back fall for fall guy fall head over heels fall in like fall off fall off the face of the Earth fall off the wagon faloney false fam Fam Bam fame whore Familenemy family family jewels famined famously fam, the fanboi fanboy fancy fancy-pants fancy schmancy fandom fanfic fan fiction fan-fucking-tastic fan-griling Fan-gurls Fan List fanny fanny farmer fanny hammock fanny pack fanny-pad fantabulous fanzine fap fappable fapper FAQ farfenoogan farfrumpoopin farging icehole fark farkle farklempt farmer blow farmer’s blow far out fart fart along fart around fart box fart face fartknocker fart-knocker fart like a pirate Fart Pickle fartriloquism fart sucker fart tip FAS faserious fa-sheezy fashionista fashion police, the fashion victim fa shizzle fasho fa sho fa’ sho fa’ sho’ fastard faster than shit through a goose fast food fast time fast-track fat fatal attraction fat-ass fat bitch fat bitched fat bob fat cat fat chance fat dick fat-finger FATH fatosphere fat pants fat sack fatso fatter than a tick on a coon dog fatty fatty bo batty fatty boom blatty fatty girl fat wallet syndrome fauxgasm faux hawk fav fave faxbox faz FBF FBGM FBI FBO f-bomb FEAR feast (one’s) eyes feather Indian feather in (one’s) cap feature creep fecal arts, the fecal fuck fecal removal facilitator feck fecker fecking fed federated fed sled feds, the fed up fed up to (one’s) eyebrows fed up with feeb Feebsville feeby feedbag material feeder feeder road feeding frenzy feed the fish feed the meter feed up fee-faw feel feel goodery feel-good hit of the summer feel it in (one’s) bones feel like a million bucks feel like a million dollars feel like ass feel like a thousand bucks feel like a thousand dollars feel like crap feel like shit feel no pain feels feels, the feel the heat feel up feen feen whip feh ‘feine fek felch felcher feleb Felgercarb Felicia fella felony flyers fem-fetale femi-Nazi femme femmullet fen fence fencepost error fender-bender fender meat feq feral Fergalicious fergle ferrero rocher fer sure fervent fess fess up -fest Festivus fetch fetchin’ feth fetid-ass few fewch fey FF FFS fi FIB fibbie fiddle-dick fiddle fart fiddle stick fiddlesticks fiddle with fiddy fidiot FIDO fied on field grounders fiend fierce fifth base fifty-eleven fifty-footer fig fight a war with BB guns fight fires FIGJAM FIGMO figs file 13 FILF filly film at 11 filthy filthy rich filthy stinking rich fin finagle final curtain final curtain call findability find (one’s) feet fine fine print, the finer than frog fur finer than frog hair finer than frog’s hair finesser f’ing Finga Poppa finger finger bang finger-fuck fingerhut finger licking good fingers crossed finish finished finish off finito fink finna fire fireball fire belly firecracker fire crotch fired up fired up and ready to go fire eyed firefight fire it up firement fire on all cylinders fire stick fire up firewater firk firl First 48 first base First Civ. Div., the fiscal ass-rape fish
fist bump fist fuck fist of fives fist to cuff fit fitch bitch fit-shaced fitsky fitted fit the bill fitty five five by five fived five-dollar word five finger five-finger discount fivehead five hole five knuckle shuffle five nines Five-O five o’clock shadow five-oh five-on-one fiver fives five-spot five thousand five year plan fix fixed fixer-upper fixie fixings fix to fiyah fiytb fizuk fizz fizzler fizzucked fizzy fizzy pop flab flabbergasted flack flage flagger flak flake flake out flaky flam flamatory flame flame bait flame-broiled flameout flamer flamestick flame war flaming flamitory flange flanged up flannie flapdoodle flap hole flap out flash flash around flasher flash in the pan flash mob flash on flashy flat flat back flat-backer flat broke flatfoot flat foot flat-footed flatmate flat-out flat out like a lizard drinking flat tire flat top flat up flaugin’ flava flavor of the month flavor-saver flaw flea-bag flearoy fleece fleek fleet support unit flesh and blood flesh wrestle fleshy fun bridge fletch flex flexitarian FLF flibby flicc flick flicked flick off flick (one’s) bean flick the bean flid Flight to Boston flim-flam flimming fling flint flip flip a bitch flip a dick flip a shitty flip a tit flip a u-ey flip nuggets flip off flip (one’s) lid flip out flipped flipper flipping flip shit flip-side flip side of the coin flip the bean flip the bird flip the bitch flip the check Flip the Flop Out flipwreck FLK flo float float an air biscuit floater float (one’s) boat flodge flog (one’s) log flog the bishop flog the log flo jo yo floops floor floordrobe floor it floosie flooxing floozie floozy flop flophouse floppy on floss flossy flotard flotsam and jetsam flow flower child FLS flu flub fluck a duck fluff fluffer fluff piece fluffy flummox flunkie flunky flush flush (one’s) buffer flutter flutterby fly fly a kite flyboy fly-by-night flyer fly low Flymind fly off the handle flyover country fly solo FM FML FNG fo FOAD FOAF foam at the mouth FOB focked focker FOCLOL FOCROFLOL FOFO fogie FOGO fogy foke folk folkal folks follicly challenged FOMO foo food food baby food coma food for thought foodie food stamp fooey foo-foo juice foofy fo-oh fook fool fool around fool around on foolio fools’ gold foopy foose football bat Foot Dragon footie foot-in-mouth disease footloose and fancy-free footprint footwork footy FOP for a minute force it for cheesy for cheezzee for Christ’s sake for crying out loud for days for dolo fore forehead Foreigner Standard Time foreskin forever and a day for free for fuck’s sake forget about it forget it for God sake for God’s sake for heaven’s sake fo rizzal forizzle fork forked forking fork out formal for Pete’s sake for Pete’s sakes for real for reals for real though for serious for shit for shits and giggles for shits and gigs for shizzle forshnicked for sure for the birds for the hell of it for the life of (one) for the love of God for the road forti-wink fortnight forty FOS fo schizzle fo’ sheazy fo sheezie fosheezy fo shiz fo’ shizzl’d fo shizzle fo’ shizzle fo shizzle my nizzle fo sho fo’ sho’ fossbeard fossil fot FOTFL FOTM foul four-color glossy four corners four-eyes four-letter word four-ways fox foxed Foxtrot Uniform foxy Foxy mama FOYB fo you was even ’bout some nut frack fracket fractured frag fragged fraggle frail frajo frak fram frank boff franken- frankensteining franks frap frapping frasha
fratter fratty frau fraudulate frazzled freak freakazoid freaked out freaking freakishly freak’n freak nasty Freaknecks freak on a leash freak out freakshow freaky freaky-deaky freakyfreak of the week freckle FRED free-ball freebie freedom grope, the freeload freemanist freemix FReeper freerider freestyle free the turtles freeware freeze balls frell french French bath french fry frenchie French kiss frenemy frequent fresh freshies fresh meat fresh out freudenschade Freud Squad, the Friar Tuck fribble frick fricka fracka frick ass fricking friction Frictionizing fried fried-out friencess friend friend crush friends for cut friends with benefits friend with benefits friend zone frienemy frig friggin’ frigging frigid friholy frindle fringe friskiness frisky fritata fritzy frizzled out FRO froad frobate frog and toad frogger froggy frogurt frogy froid frolf from ass to elbow frombe from hunger from rags to riches from scratch from the bottom of (one’s) heart from the dick from the get-go from the top fromunda front front bottom front butt frontin’ frood frosh frosted frost (one’s) muffin frosty frot frou-frou froyo frugalista fruit fruit basket fruitcake fruit fly fruit loop fruit salad frum frump frumunda frumunda cheese fry f-sack fsck f’ sha FTA FTFY FTL FTR FTS FTW FU -fu FUB FUBAB FUBAR fubared fubb FUBR fubugly fuck fuckable fuck about fuck a dog fuck a duck fuck all fuck around fuck around on fuck around with fuck-ass fuckbitch fuck-bitch Fuckboi Fuckboi Mike fuckboy fuck boy fuck buddy fuckbunny fuckchop fuck da pope Fuck’d up as a football bat fucked fucked around a day fucked in the head Fucked retarded fucked up fucked up like a soup sandwich fucker fuckered fuck face fuck for Ol’ Glory fuck for shit Fuck girl fuckhead fuck head fuck hole fuckin’ A fuckin’ eh fucking fucking A Fucking hell fucking pussy fucking rights fuckin’ sex fuck it fuckle fuck-load fuck man fuck me fuckmeat ‘fuck me’ boots fuck me Freddy fuck me in the ass with no Vaseline fuck me running fuckmuppet fuck nigga fuck no fucknut fuck nut fucko fuck off fuck on fuck (one’s) brains out fuck (one’s) couch fuck (one’s self) fuck over fuck princess fuck puppet fucksqueek fuck stain fuck start fuckstick fuck stick fuck struck fucktard Fuck-tard fuck that noise fuck, the fuck the dog fuck the duck fuck the warden fuck ton fucktoy fuck trophy fuck up fuck up, the fuckward Fuckwegian fuckwit fuck with fuckwitt fuck ya mean fuck yeah fuck yes fuck yo mama fuct fucunt fud fuddy-duddy fudge fudge factor fudge nuts fudgers fuffies fu-fu fufu valve fu-fu water fug fugazey fugazi fugazy fugly FUGMO fugs fuk fukwitable full full as an egg full as a tick fuller than a tick on a coon dog full factory full Lewinsky full-meal deal full monty, the full of crap full of hot air full of it full of (one’s self) full of shit full on full-ride full rip Full Sail goggles full steam ahead full throttle full tilt boogie fully fully baked fully blown FUM fumps fumunda fumunda cheese funbags fun bags fun boy funcle fundage fundie funds fundy fungry funk Funkadelic funkdafied funky funkydelic funky-fresh funky monkey funna funnies funny business funny farm funny feeling funny haha funny money funny papers funsies fun sponge FUPA fuq fuqq furamily fur burger furkle fur pie furry furshizzle fuse Fusion.Rickhughes fustercluck fuster cluck futanaria futhermucker futz futz around futzed futzed up fux fuzzily fuzz, the fuzzy foo fuzzy muff fuzzy tid bits fratastic frat boy frat-hole fish fry Fishbowl |
Slang Words Starting From G
G2G g2k gab gabfest gack gacked gadget gadgie gadzooks GAF gaff gaffel gaff it up gaffle gaff off GAFK gag gaga gag for gag me with a spoon gah gaisy chain gak gal galah gallagher galore galumph gam game gamebling game changer game on game over game pieces game plan game, the gametuned gammin gammon gams gander G and T gandy dancer gang gangbang gang-bang gang banger gangcar gange Ganges Worm gangstar gangster gang, the ganja ganje gank ganky gansta gant gap gape gaper Gapification Gap-ish gaposis gap shot garbage garbage in, garbage out garden garden tool garden utensil garden-variety Garfunkel Gargoyle beauty queen garms garmz Garp on Gary gas gasbag gas grass or ass gas guzzler gash gash-hole gaslight gasoline gasper gassed gasser gassy ass gas up gat gatch gate -gate gate rape gates Gator Town gatt gattered gaugie gaunch gaunchees gauze gawd gawk gawl gay gayborhood gaydar gaylord gay lord gaynacular gay supremacist gay-wad gazenta gazillion gazinta gazonga gazongas gazoo gazunga g-bop g’ boy GBTW g code GD g’day g-dep gdn g’d up gear gearhead gear up gedunk geebag gee-dog gee-dunk geegaw geehaw geejaw geek geek chic geeked geeked up geek monster geek out geek speak geese geeta geez geezaric geeze geezer gegs gehey geit gem gen gender bender gender bits gender mender Gender neutered language general General Colon Bowel general, two colonels generate more heat than light gent gentleman’s relish george Georgia Homeboy geotourism Germish get get a bit on the side get a buzz on get a charge from get a charge out of get a clue get a five finger discount get a fix get a foot in the door get a grip get ahold of (one’s self) get a kick out of get a life get all up in that get a load of get a move on get any get a rise out of get ass get at me get a turtle get away scot free getaway sticks get-away sticks get away with murder get a wiggle on get a wild hair get a word in edgeways get back in the game get back on the horse get banked on get behind get bent get beside (one’s self) get bitch-slapped get blazed get brain get buck get bucked get busy get cold feet get crack-a-lacking get cracking get crunk get crunked get crunk with get cut get cutty get dirty get down get down and dirty get down to brass tacks get face get foe-foe’d get forty winks get fresh get geeked get-go get gully get guts get hammered get head get high get hitched get hit with the wrong end of the ugly stick get hot under the collar gethsemane supper get in bed with get in good with get in here get in (one’s) face get in (one’s) pants get inside (one’s) head get into get into (one’s) pants get it get it in get it off my chest get it on get it through (one’s) head get it together get it twisted get it up get jiggy with it get laid get left get lost get lucky get medieval get medieval on (one’s) ass get mounted get mustled get nowhere fast get off get off easy get off me get off on get off (one’s) ass get off (one’s) chest get off (one’s) dick get off on the wrong foot get off the field get off the ground get off with get off zero get old get on Get on down with that bullshit get (one) against the wall get (one) going get one past the goalie get (one’s) act together get (one’s) ass handed to get (one’s) ass in gear get (one’s) ass kicked get (one’s) chew on get (one’s) dander up get (one’s) ducks in a row get (one’s) ears lowered get (one’s) eat on get (one’s) eats on get (one’s) fade get (one’s) feet wet get (one’s) foot in the door get (one’s) gams going get (one’s) goat get (one’s) groove on get (one’s) grown man on get (one’s) grub on get (one’s) hands on get (one’s) hand stuck in the cookie jar get (one’s) head in the game get (one’s) hump on get (one’s) jollies get (one’s) kit off get (one’s) knees dirty get (one’s) knickers in a twist get (one’s) nut off get (one’s) nut on get (one’s) panties in a twist get (one’s) panties in a wad get (one’s) redwings get (one’s) rocks off get (one’s) schwerve on get (one’s) shit together get (one’s) swerve on get (one’s) tip wet get (one’s) walking papers get (one’s) wigs chopped get (one’s) wig split get (one’s) wires crossed get (one’s) X on get (one’s) ‘x’ on get on (one’s) knees get on (one’s) nerves get on (one’s) pip get on the bomb get our backs dirty get out of here get out of (one’s) face get out of (one’s) grill get out of (one’s) hair get over get over or get gone get owned get physical get pimp-slapped get played get popped get postal get real. get right get schooled get silly get slizzard get some get some air get some booty get some of that get some squish get some stankie on the hang down get some stank on (one’s) hang low get some stank on the hang down get some strange get something off (one’s) chest get some z’s get spun get stole get stuck get stuck in get stuck into get stuffed get the 411 get the ax get the ball rolling get the better of get the bitch on get the fuck get the jump on get the lead out get the memo get the message get the net get the picture get the pink slip get the shaft get the show on the road get thin get to 1st base get to 2nd base get to 3rd base get to fuck get together get to the bottom of get tried get under (one’s) skin getup get up get up (one’s) nose get up on the wrong side of the bed get up out of get up to get up with get wasted get weirded out get wet get wind of get wise on get with get with it get with the picture get with the program GF GFE googly-eyed gook goolies gook goolies
ghetto ghetto ass ghetto bird ghetto blaster ghetto booty ghetto booty brush ghettoburb ghetto cattle ghetto cruiser ghetto fabulous ghettofied ghetto ho ghetto pack ghetto sled ghetto-style ghetto, the g-hood ghost ghost load ghost ride the whip ghost town ghoul Ghulami Man gib gibbled gift gig giga gigger giggidy giggity giggleberry giggle juice giggle loop giggle stick giggle water giggy gig head gigolo gigungus gilder GILF gi-massive gimme gimmick gimp gimpy Ginch ginchy gine Ginelle’d Ginelle’d it ging gingah ginger gink gin mill gino ginormous ginourmous gin up girl girl crush girlfag girlfriend girlfriended up girlfriend experience girlie girlie-girl girlie mag girls Girl Scout girls, the girly girly-girl git gitch Gitmo gitty give give a bag of dicks give a bum steer give a crap’s ass give a damn give a flying fuck give a frog’s fat ass give a fuck give a hand give a hiding give a monkey’s give and take give a pump give a rat’s ass give a rip give a shit give a talking to give a thumper give a toss give big-ups give birth to a food baby give birth to a state trooper give brain give brains give cone give dome give ‘er give ‘er the bone give face give grief give head give heaps Give it a rest give it a shot give it a whirl give it the large give it to give it up give knowledge Give me a rest give neck give (one) a fit give (one) a piece of (one’s) mind give (one) a shout give (one) shit give (one’s) kingdom in hell give (one’s) right arm for giv’er give Scully give shits give some skin give the 3rd degree give the axe give the boot give the business give the cold shoulder give the elbow give the fidgets give the finger give the gate give the hands give the heave-ho give the Heisman give the horns give the old college try give the old heave ho give the red ass give the shaft give the skeeves give the slip give the stink eye give the third degree give the time of day give the up-and-down give the what-for give the wiggins give two shits give up the ghost give up the top give what for Give you a running fit GIYF gizmo gizz GJ GJT GL gla glack glam glass glass bottom boat glass ceiling glass jaw GLBT gleek GLHF Glimmer Glimming glish glitch glitterati GLM global weirding Globish glock glom glomp glompable glop glorified glory hole glory vulture glouch glove glow glued to glued to (one’s) seat glurge glute gluteus maximus g-man GMILF gmow gnarly gnat shit GNL GNO g note go go-ahead go all out go all the way go ape go ape shit go around the bend GOAT goatfuck go at it goat roper goat’s in the garden goat story goat, the gob go back to the drawing board go ballistic go bananas go batshit gobbie gobble gobbledygook gobble (one’s) knob gobbler gobble rod gobbling rods gobby go beast-mode go bejesus go belly up go bitchcakes go blank goblin go blow yourself go bonkers Gobshit gobshite gobsmacked gob someone off go bust go caflooie go caput go Chernobyl gock go clubbing go columbine go commando go coney island go cow tipping go crazy go culinary God god-awful God bless it God botherer goddamn god damn goddamned god damn it go DEFCON god-like God Mode go down go downhill go down like a lead balloon go down on go down the tubes go downtown go drunk, you’re home God’s country god’s gift to god stick godswallop go Dutch Godwin’s Law gofer Goffer go fig. go figure go figure. go fly a kite go fooding go for broke go for the jugular go fuck a go fuck (one’s self) go fuck on (one’s self) go full retard gog GOGA go get ’em Goggle goggs go gigging go great guns go green go halfsies go ham go hamm go hard go hard in the paint go haywire go hemm go hogging go Hollywood going forward going, going, gone Going hot Going to Jen’s go in one ear and out the other go iron monkey go jerk yourself go kaput go kerplunk gold gold digger golden golden oldie golden parachute golden shower golds golf clap golly gom go make me a sandwich go malling go mental gomer gommer go monk go moo-moo gonad go nam gonasyphaherpalaids gonch gone goner gong show gonj gonja gonna Gonna die training gonner go nuclear go number 2 go number one go number two go nuts gonzo goob goober gooberhead goob wad gooch goocher good good and good call good cop good deal good eats good egg good from afar, far from good good from afar; far from good good from far, but far from good good go good guy goodie good looking out good luck with that. good ol’ boy good old boy good one good on you good people good samaritan good service good sort good sport goods, the good times good to go good word goody-goody goody two-shoes goof goofball go off go off-book go off on go off the deep end go off without a hitch goof off goof on goof up goofy goofy foot goofy goober goofyy goog googillion Googlebomb Google juice Google stalk google that shit Googlewhack googly-eyed
goomba goom |
goon go on goon squad go on the lamb go on the pull go on the wazzcock Goopert goose goosed goose egg goosefabah goosh gootch gootchy go out go out on a limb go out with go overboard go over (one’s) head go over the edge GOP go pear-shaped Gopher Crotch, Montana gopher-holing go pig fishing go pill go piss up a rope go play in traffic go poof go porking go postal go potty go Rambo gorb gorbie gor blimey gorby gordita gore (one’s) ox gorgy gorilla arm gork gorked gorp go see the elephant gosh go sideways go snake go soft go south go south of the border go Springer go stag go stinky go straight go street go stupid gosu go suck on a nut got go tadpoling gotard got a squirrel peeking got a turtle head poking gotcha gotch eyed got dandruff. some of it itches. goth go the distance go the extra mile go the knuckle go there gothopotamus go threesies go through a rough patch go through the mill go through the motions go through the roof go time go tits-up go to go to Arizona go to bat for (one) go toe to toe go together go to ground go to Guernsey go to hell go to hell in a handbasket go to the bank go to the dogs go to the office, make a deposit, and do some paperwork go to the same church go to town go to town on (one’s self) go trench coat gots gotsta gotta gotta motor gotta split gouch gouda go under the knife go up in smoke go up to bat gourd go vector compound government job governments government teat, the government work governor go vertical go wackers gowed up go whole hog go with go with the flow GOY go yard go yellular goyim GP GPO GQ gr8 grab grab a hat grab-ass grade-A gradeaux graf graff graft gragg gram gramma grammar Nazi grampa gramps gran grand grandma grands grandstand granma granny granola granpa g rap grape grapes grape smuggler grape smugglers grasp at straws grasp the nettle grass grass cutter grasshopper grass on the field grassy grats gratz graveyard graveyard dead graveyard shift gravity check gravy gravy locomotive gravy noodles gravy train gray-collar Gray Lady, the graze grease greased lightning grease monkey grease (one’s) palm grease the bowl greasy greasy spoon greasy sweet greasy tick great great mother of pearl Greek greek sex greek to me green green apple nasties green apple quick step green-apple quickstep green apple splatter green apple splatters, the greenback green bud green-collar green friendly green light green monster green room greens green stamps green stuff green taco green thumb greeting lips greets gregory grellow grelow gremmie grenade grenade syndrome grenade whistle grep grey area greybeard greyhound Greyhound therapy grey market grid G ride gridlock grief griefer grift grifter grill grilled Cheesus grim Grimace grimey grimmy grimsley grimy grinch grind grindage grindcore grinder grind (one’s) gears grind to a halt gringo grin like a jackass eating cactus grip gription grisly gristle missile grit grit bar grit on gritter grizzly chicken grl grl boo groady grocery bags grocery getter grodelicious grody grody to the max grog grogan groin gravy grok GROLIES grommet grommit gronk gronked groom groove groovy grope gross gross out grote grotty ground effects ground floor, the groundhog it groundscore ground score groupie grouse groutfiti grow a pair grow a tail growler growlery grrr grrrl grub grubber grubbies grubbling grubered grubering Grubido grub on grub out grub up gruely grump grumpken grumpy grundel grundies grundle grundy grunge grungy grunt gruntled gruntload grunty gsodrm GTA GTD GTFO GTFOH GTG GTK GTS Guam guarafuckintee guaranfuckintee guard (one’s) grill Gucci guch guerilla testing guesstimate guff guffaw guidette guido Guillotine guiltify guilt trip guiltware guilty as a whore in church guilty as sin Guinea guinea pig guise guitar humper guize gullie gulliver gully gum gumboot gumby gummer gump gumpy gumshoe gum up gun gun for gunge gung-ho gun it g-unit gunk gunna gunner gunny guns gunsel gunshy gun shy gunsy gunt gunther gunty gurl gurp guru gus gush gussy up gut gut bomb gut feeling gutless gut locker gut reaction guts gut scuff gutsy gutted gutter gutter punk gutter slut gutter whore gut wrench guy guydyke guyet guyliner guzunder guzz Gvo gwan gwarnin’ gwat gwoop gwop gyal gyal dem gyeah gym bunny gym candy gym rat gyner gyno