IELTS Vocabulary English Vocabulary Lesson 37 IELTS Exams Preparation
371-Slick (Adj)
Definition: done in an impressively smooth and efficient way.
Synonyms: smooth-running, polished, well organized, efficient, smooth
Usage: Army has been entertaining crowds with a slick passing game.
372-Loath (Adj)
Definition: reluctant; unwilling.
Synonyms: disinclined, ill-disposed, not in the mood;
against, opposed, resistant,
Usage: the batsmen were reluctant to take risks.
373-Conflicting (Adj)
Definition: ; contradictory,incompatible or at variance
Usage: There were conflicting accounts of what occurred
374-Glaring (Adj)
Definition: giving out or reflecting an intense or dazzling light.
Synonyms: dazzling, blinding, blazing, strong, extremely bright
Usage: The glaring sun.
375-Implication (Noun)
Definition: the conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated.
Synonyms: inference, hint, intimation, Suggestion.
Usage: The implication is that no one person at the school is responsible.
376-Strident (Adj)
Definition: grating.,(of a sound) loud and harsh;
Synonyms: rude, loud, rough
Usage: His voice had become increasingly strident.
377-Palpable (Adj)
Definition: (of a feeling or atmosphere) so intense as to seem almost tangible.
Synonyms: noticeable, appreciable, Perceptible, visible,
Usage: A palpable sense of loss.
378-Exhort (Verb) gerund or present participle: exhorting
Definition: strongly encourage,
Synonyms: urge, encourage, enjoin, adjure, call on,
Usage: She exhorted herself to be a good woman.
379-Intense (Adj)
Definition: of extreme force, degree, or strength.
Synonyms: great, acute, enormous, fierce, severe, extreme
Usage: The job demands intense concentration.
380-Cap (Verb) past tense: capped; past participle: capped
Definition: put a lid or cover on.
Usage: He capped his pen.