SLANG VOCABULARY LIST | Slang words depict language style and talking style.They really match a culture style and language depict. They are easy to practice.
Slang Words Starting From T
ta da taddies tag tag along tagectomy tagnut tail Tail from the crypt tailgate party tail gunner tailpipe tailspin taint taint meat take take a take a bean out of take a bone take a boo take a brody take a chat take a chill pill take a crap take a crunch take a deuce take a dip take a dirt nap take a dive take a dook take a dookie take a duke take a dump take a gander take a hike take a lap take a leak take an l take a piss take a poop take a powder take a shit take a skeet take a slam take a slash take a smash take a squeege take a squirt take a squish take-away take a whiz take a wild guess. take-backs take backwater take down take down a notch take Ed for a walk take five take for a ride
take it on (one’s) chin take it out in trade take it outside take it up the ass take lying down take off take old one eye to the optometrist take one for the team take (one’s) breath away take (one’s) crap take (one’s) shit take (one’s) toys and go home take (one) under (one’s) wing take out take shit take stock in take, the take the anaconda out for a walk take for a spin take Herman to the circus take it take it easy take it in the ass take the baton take the Browns to the Superbowl take the Browns to the Super Bowl take the cake take the fall take the grenade take the heat take the kids to the pool take the Michael take the Mickey take the piss take the plunge take the rap take the reins take the rip take the short bus to school take the temperature take time to smell the roses take to school take to the cleaners take to the next level take up on take vertical take with a grain of salt taky talent talk talk back talk big talk dirty talking asshole talking to talk out both sides of (one’s) mouth talk out of (one’s) ass talk shit talk smack talk some shit to John talk some yang talk to a man about a mule talk to Jesus talk to Ralph on the big white telephone talk to Sampson talk to the hand talk trash talk turkey talk up tall tall boy tall drink of water tallywacker tallywhacker tally whacker talm tamacco tampon tunnel T and A tang
tanked tanked up tanning tanorexia TANSTAAFL tap tap a Harry tap a kidney tap ass tap-dance around tap dance on a land mine taped up tapped tapped out tap tap tap that tap that ass tar tar and feather tar bender tard -tard tardblog tard muffin tardnation TARFU Targhetto tark bike tarnation tart tart-cart tart monkey taste like dirt taster’s choice -tastic tasty tat tata ta-ta tate out tater tatties tattie water tattle tattle tail tattle tale Tatum tchotchke
teabagger tea bags teach teacher’s pet Tealiban team kill team player tear tear a new one tear arse tear ass tear into tear it down tear-jerker tear (one’s) ass up tear that ass up tear up tease tea time Tebow tech techie Technicolor yawn technobabble technotard tech weenie tedd off Teddy boy teef teehee Teena Marie teener teenglish teensy teenth teeny teenybopper teeny-tiny tee off TEETH teetotaller teh tele television bum Telingana Black Snake tell tell off tell (one) true telly temp temperature taking ten tender tenner Tennessee white snake ten pounds of shit in a five-pound bag ten-spot tent pole terminal terp terreckly terribad terrorist fist jab testilying TETBITS Teuchter Texas party hat Texas penny Texas tea text text-a-tude TF TFW TGIF T-Giving tha thaiarrea Thai stick thang thangies thank goddess thanks a million thanks for nothing than shit tharm that that dog’ll hunt that girl that guy that hoe over there that just happened that old chestnut thats flee fleas that shit that’s how we do that’s the stuff that’s what she said. that’s what’s up that though that time of the month the the ball is in (one’s) court the bigger they are the harder they fall. the carpet matches the curtains the carpet matches the drapes the cat’s out of the bag the crap out of the crickets the daylights out of the fuck you say the heck the hell out of the hell with theirs The Lead Rule them the mess out of the more the merrier The Prime Cuts the rabbit died the Reds are playing there’s a method to (one’s) madness. the shit hit the fan the shit out of the snot out of the tits off the word is go they thicc thick thick as pig-shit thick as thieves thick as two short planks thick-headed thick skin thighbrow thin dirties thing torqued torque it torture you to death for your own good tor up |
third degree, the
third leg third wheel thirst thirst bucket thirsty thirst you could photograph this and that this bitch this here this is not a drill this mug thizz thizz face thizzle THO thongs thonx thorny thoroughbred thot thot house thotler thot pocket thottie thou thourougbred thousands thrash thrashed threads three-finger salute three pump chump threequel three-ring circus three R’s, the three sheets to the wind threesie threesome three-way thrill thrill a minute thrillion throat throbber throne throne room throttle through throw throw a bone throw a curveball throw against a wall and see if it sticks throw a hissy fit throw a spanner into the works throw a whiz throw a wrench into the works throwback throw bows throw dogs throw down throwed throwed off throw for a six throw good money after bad throw hands throw in the towel throw it down throw it up throw (one’s) hat in the ring throw (one’s) head back throw (one’s self) at (one) throw (one’s) toys out of the cot throw (one’s) weight around throw rocks at throw shade thug thug life thugocracy thugology thug out throw the book at throw the deuce throw total shade throw under the bus throw up thrupple Thull ‘e tu be a recknin’, not it? thump thumper thunder box thunder clap thundercunt thunder mug Thunder Thighs thunk thurr thx thxs TIA tical tick ticked off ticker ticket ticket, the tickety-boo tickle a bug tickled tickle in (one’s) pickle tickle (one’s) fancy tickle (one’s) pickle tickle pink tickle shitless tickle the bean tickle the ivories tick off ticks ticky-tacky tiddle tie down tied up tie one on tie (one’s) hands tie the knot tiff tiger Tigered tiger mom tiggity tiggobitties tight tight-ass tighten (one’s) belt tighten the screws on tighties tightie whities tight package tight run tightwad tight work tig ol’ bitty tig old bitty tigress TIL ’til tilt Tilted tiltered Timbos Timbuckthree Timbuktu time time-bomb time crunch time of the month time sink tangle with tango down Tango Foxtrot tango uniform tango yankee tank tank ass time suck Time to check out of hotel earth time travel juice timing Tims tin tina tinfoil hat ting tinkerbell tinkle TINLA tin lid tin man tinny tin plate tiny tip tip drill tip of the iceberg, the Tipping is not a town in China. Tipping isn’t just a city in China tippy top tipsy tip the 40 tiptoe around Tire tired tired and emotional tires tit titch tit-crunch titfer tit for tat tit-lickingly tit man tits tits and clits tits, the tits up tittay titted tittie Christ titty titty bar titty fuck titty-twister tit wank Tivo tix tizight TJ tjoh T-Jones TK TKer tks TL TLA T-lady TLC tldr toaster toastie toasty tob toboggan toc tocko to clutch Todd toddy stricken todger to die for to do to’ down toe toed up toe fangs toe-jam toerag toes up toe the line toe up toff toffee-nosed tofurkey togas To Good For Real Wood to hell with toilet toilet hanging drunk toke toke fest toke it toker toke up tolchok tole-rant tomboy tombstone tomcat Tom-Cruise tomfoolery tomo ton Toner tongue tongue action tongue fu tongue in cheek tongue-kiss tongue-punch tongue-punch (one’s) balloon-knot tongue-punch (one’s) turd cutter tongue wrestle tonk tonsil hockey tonsil nugget tonsil tickler ton, the tony too too cool for school toodaloo too-da-loo toodleoo toodle-oo toodles tool tool around toolbox tool shed too much too much sugar for a dime ‘toon tooney toonie too rich for (one’s) blood tooshy toot toot-a-loo tooter toothing toot (one’s) horn toot (one’s) own horn toots tootsie top top billed top dog top drawer top heavy topless topless meeting top-notch top off top shelf torcation torch torch up tore back torebacula tore up tore up from the floor up tornado magnet torn down torpedo
to the tits
totty touch touch and go touch cloth touch cotton touchdown touch hole touchie touch-squirt touch wood touchy feely tough tough cookie tough guy tough shit tough titty tounge and groove joint to’ up tourist tourney towhead town bicycle, the town business towney townie tow up Tow up from the flo up toy toy boy Toyl toy soldier TP TPS report track track mark tracks track star tracky dacks tracts of land trade trade last trade paint tragic magic trailer trailer park trash trailer trash train trainers training wheels train Terence at the terracotta trainwreck train wreck trammy tramp tramp stamp trannie tranny tranq trap trapazoidal trapfleek trap girl trap house Trapking trap king trap queen trash trash bags trashed Trashedville trash talk treadmill treasure trail treat treat like dog food treatment, the treats treat with kid gloves tree tree hug tree-hugger
tres trib tribute picture trick tricked out trick master trick on trick out trick P trif trifling trig trees treeware trenchcoat trench coat trench cut trenched trendy trendy loke trill trim trip trip balls triple-bagger triple dog dare triple M tripod trip out trippy trips trip up trisexual triz troblem troglet troglodyte Trol troll trollbait trolleyed trollied tromp tronche tronk trooper troops trophy wife trot out trots, the trouble and strife troubled trough trouser trouser cough trouser gravy trouser meat trouser snake trouser trout trouth mubble trubo truck trucka truckie truck it trud true true colors true dat true do true that true to the game truly fucked trump Trumpaclaat trunk trunky monkey
trynna trysexual try something try to TS trustafarian truthiness trvth try try and try anything tryina tryna tubular tuchus tucker tuckered out tuck into tuck it tuckus TUD tude ‘tude tuff TUFU tug tug O’ war tukus tuli tully tummy tump tuna tuna boat tunafest tuna party tundra hog Tundra Wookie tuneage tunechi tune in tune out tunes tune up tunnel tunnel of love tunnel out tunnel vision turbo turd turd burglar turd burgled turd burgler turd cutter turdnugget turd sniffer turducken turf turkey Turkey Day turkey-fuck turkeys are done turn a blind eye turnabout is fair play Turned into lasagna turn flip turn in turn inside out turn-key turn loose turn off turn on turn (one’s) back on turn on the waterworks turn over turn over a new leaf turn the clock back on turn the key(s) turn tricks turn up the heat turtle head turtle, the tush tushie tushy tux tuxedo
twaggy twakked twakked out Twalking twamp twang twanged out twankie-fo’s twankies twankie-two’s twanky twanny twat twatbag twatburger twat-hole twatted twatwaffle tweak tweaker tweak on twee tweed tweek tweeker tween tweener tweep Twelve twelve-pack twenties twenty-four seven twerk twerker twerk something twerp twiddle twig twig and berries twigs and berries TWILF twinbling twink twinkie twinkie,wally,gumby,m and m ,top,bottom,vanilla twins, the twired twirk TWIRLK Twisit twist twisted twist (one’s) knob twist (one’s) melon twit Twitard twitchet Twittequette twittlefuck two-bagger two-ball compound two ball throat cream two-bit two bits two bob tart two cans short of a six pack two comma account two-faced twofer two fingers in the wind two-hole two in the coot, one in the boot two in the pink, one in the stink twomp two o’clock beauty queen two peas in a pod two pump chump two sandwiches short of a picnic two-time two-way TWSS twurk txt TY tyke type brick typo-squat torque a wicked cable
Slang Words Starting From U |
u-ey uffda uff-da uff-dah UFO ugh ugly ugly as sin ugly stick ugly tree ugs uh uhh uh-huh uh-oh uh-uh u-ie Ukip UKnique UL ultimate stranger, the ultra um umberglaze umfriend umina umm umop-apisdn umpteen umpteen dozen unass un-ass the AO unbelievabubble Uncle Albert uncle fucker Uncle Hershal Uncle Sid uncool uncut underboob undercover under dacks underground under (one’s) belt |
under the microscope under the table under the weather underwater basket weaving underwhelm undies uneat unfriend unfuck un-fucking-believable ungodly unhinged unholy uni uniball unibrow uniform unit universe Unix beard unleaded unmentionables Unobtainium unpossible unreal un-reechy un-swallow until the cows come home until the world looks level unurban unwind up up a creek up a creek without a paddle up and at ’em up ass up a tree upboat upbringing upchuck upcycle up da line updone up-down
up in there up in this bitch up in this motherfucker up on blocks up (one’s) alley up (one’s) butt up (one’s) duff up (one’s) nose with a rubber hose up on things upper upper decker upper hand, the Upper Rubber Boot uppity upsell up shit creek up shit creek without a paddle upstairs up sticks up the ass up the boo-eye up the butt up the duff up the wazoo up the ying-yang up the yin-yang uptight up to up to (one’s) nose in up to snuff up to speed up yours ur urban urf urgh url urp us use use coffee useda could
Slang Words Starting From V |
vadge vag Vagenius vagetarian vaginal vaginal cavity vaginal unit Vagina Slime vagine vagoo vaguebook vajayjay va-jay-jay vajizzle val Valdeeze Valentine vamoose vamp
vapie vaporware variety is the spice of life. varmint vart vast vato vaug v-card VD vector compound veep veg village idiot
velvet velvet sweatshop VENIS vent verb verbal diarrhea verbal hemorrhage verbally disembowel Vermaas Veronica versatile verse vert vertical vertically challenged vertical smile verve
vibe vic vicious vicious cycle vicious mouthpiece Vick victor victory trail vid Vidfie vidiot vig vigorish village village bicycle, the villaged
vinegar syndrome vio violate VIP viper vipi? viral viral marketing virch virgin virgin screwdriver visit Uncle Grumpy vitamin I vitamin K vittles vixen VJ vlog
vomitose voodoo vote for vototater vouchers vouch for voxmox VPL vroom-vroom vugly vulture vulture capitalist vurp Vegas tired vegetable |
Slang Words Starting From W |
wack wackadoodle wacked wacked out wack it wack jack wack job wacko wack off wack, the wacky wacky tobaccy wad wad up WAF waffle WAFU
WaHo wai wail wailing wail on wain waist deep wait for the bait wag wagger wag the dog wa gwan wah wahey wahini wahmbulance wait hand and foot wait on pins and needles wake and bake wake up and smell wake up and smell the coffee wake up and smell the decaf wake up on the wrong side of the bed waldo wale on walk walk all over walk a mile in (one’s) shoes walk away Joe walk back walkie walking cheeseburger walking HIV Walking Spanish walk of shame walk of shame, the walk on eggshells
wallop wall out wall time wall wart wally Wally World Walter walk on rocky socks Walk soft w’all wall candy walled garden Wallet wall flower wall of text WAM wambulance Wampum wana wang wangle wangsta wangster wank wanker wankered Wanker Town, USA wankie wank it wank-load wank off wank pie wank spanner wanksta wank stain wankster wanky wanna wannabe want want a cookie want a piece of want a piece of this want what (one) is smoking wap Wapanese wapp wapper Warbo warden wardrobe warez warez d00d warped War Pig warrant wagon war story wart wasabi wasbian wasbund wash washed up Washington WASP WASPy wass wassap wassock wassup
watcho watch (one’s) back Watercrest water down watered watering hole watersports water sports water under the bridge water whip wassuper waste wasted wasteman waste of flesh wastoid wat watch like a hawk wavey Waw wax wax ass waxed wax that ass wax the carrot wax the dolphin way way cra
WBS WBU WBWN WDYT we W/E weaboo weak weak sauce wear many hats wear (one) out wear (one’s) heart on (one’s) sleeve wear only a smile wear the pants weasel way cray WAYD waylay waz wazoo wazz wazzcocked wazzcocker wazzock wazzup weasel (one’s) way weasel out of weasel word weather weave weazel webinar webisode webspeak wedder wedding tackle wedge wedged wedgetarian wedgie wedgina wedlease wedlocker wee weeaboo weed weekend warrior weenie weenie bender weeniedo weenie roast weenie whackers weenie wrapper weenis wee wee weez weezy we got london on da track weigh in weight weiner weirdo weird out welch welcome home welfare well well curried well hung wellie Wellies We’ll treat you so many ways you’re bound to like one wen wench wenis went to shit and the hogs ate (one) wep werd were yat wesside west West Virginia sunflower
wet (one’s) shirt wetted wet up wetware wet Willie WEY WF
wha-cha-ma-call-it whack whackadoodle whack-a-mole |
whaddya whadja whale whale on whale out whale tail wham bam, thank you ma’am whammy whang whappen whaps whas crack-a-lakin whas happening whasupper what what are you sayin’? whatcha what-cha-ma-call-it whatchamadingy what-cha-ma-fucker what dey do? whatev’ whatever whatever floats (one’s) boat whatever rocks (one’s) boat whatever’s clever whatever the fuck whatever the hell whatever, Trevor whatevs What For what gives
what is the scene what it be? what it do? what it is? what it says on the tin whatkind what’s clicking what ho what in fuck what in heck what in hell what in the fuck what in the heck what in the hell what’s cooking? what’s crack-a-lackin’? what’s crackin’? what’s cracking? what’s crackulating what’s good? what’s happen? what’s-her-face whatshername what’s-her-name what’s-her-toes what’s-his-face whatshisname what’s-his-name what’s-his-toes What’s in the bag? whatsit what’s (one’s) damage?
what’s the business? what’s the dealy? what’s the dilly? what’s the dilly, yo? what’s the dizzle? what’s the haps? what’s the rumpus? what’s poppin? what’s popping? what’s really good? what’s really good with you? what’s shakin’, bacon what’s shaking what’s up what the cus what the deuce what the devil what the dilio? what the dilly what the dilly, yo what the fuck what the fudge what the heck What the heel? what the hell what the shit what the what what they do? whattup what up? what up, dog? what what what ya know? whazup wheat thin wheel wheels wheels of steel whelaphant whelp
when it rains, it pours. when pigs fly when the devil when the fuck when the heck when the hell When you have to carry where in fuck whenever the fuck whenever the hell when in fuck when in heck when in hell when in the fuck when in the heck when in the hell where in heck where in hell where in the fuck where in the heck where in the hell where it counts where it’s at where TF where the devil where the fuck where the heck where the hell where the sun don’t shine wherever the fuck wherever the hell
whip it out whip out whipped whipper-snapper whippet whipping whip shitties whip, the whirly whirlybird whisker biscuit whiskey dick Whiskey Tango Whisky Tango Whisky Tango Foxtrot Whisky Tango Foxtrot, over. whispering eye whistle and flute whistle beef whistle belly thumps whistle blower whistle britches whistledick white white-ant white boy white bread white cap white-collar white-collar crime white-collar job white elephant white hat white Paki white stain white trash whitewash
who whoa whoadie whockerjawed whodi who-done-it whoever the fuck whoever the hell who hit John who in fuck who in heck who in hell who in the fuck who in the heck whitey whitey-tightey whitney whiz whiz-bang whiz palace whizz-bang who in the hell whole ass whole-assed whole enchilada, the whole kit and caboodle, the whole nine yards, the whole other ball game whole other ball of wax whole shebang, the whomever the fuck whomp whoop whoop-dee-do whoopie cakes whoopn’ whoop (one’s) ass whoopsie whoopty whoopty do whoop up on whoop whoop whoosh whooty whop whopper whopperjawed whopping whore whore around whorehouse whore it up whoremonkey whore (one’s self) out whore out whore paint whore’s bath whosawhatsit whose leg does (one) have to hump whos its who’s own who’s your daddy who TF who the devil who the fuck who the heck who the hell Who This Whovian who who dilly Whunt whup whup ass whuz up WHYD whyever the fuck
why in the fuck why in the heck why in the hell whyle why the devil why the fuck why the heck why the hell wick wicked wicked pissa wid wide boy wideo wide open widger widget widow’s peak wiener wiener wake up wif wife-beater wifey Wi-Five Wifoc wig wigbust
wig out wig-splitter Wikipedian wikkid wild wild card wiggady wiggady wack wigged out wigger wiggidy wiggidy wiggidy wiggle room wiggy wilding wild out on Wild West wile willie willied Willie Peter willies, the willy willy nilly wimp wimp out wimpy win Winblows wind windbag window licker window nintendo windowpane Windoze wind up windy wine and dine Wined em up wingin’ wing it wingman wing man wingnut wing nut wings winks winky
WIP wiped wiped out wipe out wipper-snapper wire wired wired to the t Wisconsin skinny wise-ass winner winnit wino win or lose winter bush Wintonian win-win situation win-win-win situation wisecrack wise guy wisenheimer wise up wishy washy wisnae wit witch witch doctor witch project wit da quickness with all due respect with a passion withdrawal with it wiz wizard wizard sleeve w/o wobbly H woe WOF Wog wolf bait wolf down Wolfgang Putz wolverine woman-chaser womb broom women’s trouble womperjaw womyn wonderwoman wonger wonk wonky woo wood woodchuck Wooden kimono wood shampoo woodstuck woody woody wagon woof woofer woof (one’s) cookies woofy woogit woohoo wooked-out wookie woolies woollyback wooly clip Wooow Wherewithal where you is and where you ain’t whiff whifty whinge whip whip a shitty woop de doo woop woop woopwop woosh woot woowoo woozy woppy-jawed word word booty word hole word is bond wordlife word on the street, the wordsmith word to my mother word to your mother word up word up to your mother word, yo work workahol workaholic work an angle workaround workation work bench Work Bum workcation worked working girl working stiff work it work like a dog work (one’s) ass off
world of shit world-tower World Wide Wait, the worm dirt worm food worm out of worry stone worry wart worship the ivory idol worship the porcelain altar worship the porcelain god worship the porcelain goddess Worth Bread worthless as tits on a boar hog worthless as tits on a bore hog worth (one’s) salt worth (one’s) weight in gold
work (one’s) butt off work (one’s) fingers to the bone work (one’s) mojo work over works works, the work up wounded soldier wow wowee wowie zowie wowsers
wrap (one’s) mind around wrap rage wrap up wreck wrecked wrecker wrench wrestle the Cyclops wretched wring (one’s) neck wrist wrist slap write-only code writer wrong-serd-out-erds wrong side of the tracks WRT WTF
wuffo wugget wuppie wusband wuss wussup wussy wus up wut
Slang Words Starting From X |
xe Xerox ‘x’ factor, the XYZ
xtc x-ing xippie Xmas
Slang Words Starting From Y |
ya yabo yac yack yackety-yak
yale y’all yam yam bag ya mean yammer yammy yack it up yada yadda yadda yadda ya dig? yahoo yak yakkity yak yamp YANAL yang Yank Yankee Yankee dime Yankee nickel yank it
yaoi yap yap (one’s) jaw yapper yap trap yar yarb yarco yard yardbird yank (one’s) chain yank (one’s) chank yank (one’s) crank yank (one’s) rod yank (one’s) sack yank the crank yarded up yardie yard sale yarf yark yarly yarn yarra yat yawn yawn in Technicolor
yeah, no yeah right yeah, right yeapers yeehaw yonks yonnies yoo-ee yoo-hoo yee haw yay yayfulness
yellow fever yellow hammer yellow journalism yenaled yenta Yeoman Johnson yep Yepper yeppers yeppir Yep Yep yer yers
yetti yewy yeyo YHBT yiff yiiks yikes ying-yang y’ins yin-yang yinz yinzer yip yipes yippee yes Yes like it yes man yessum yestergay yes way yippee ki-yay yippered up Yippie yips yis yiss yisss
yobo yocal Yoda yodel groceries yodel in (one’s) canyon yodel in (one’s) valley yodel in the canyon yogurt yogurt slinger yoink yoked yoked out yokel Yoko Ono yola yolked YOLO yo mama yo momma yonder YooKay yeet yegg yeh yello
yo’s yosi you you all you betcha you can’t beat that with a bat. you go, girl you know you-know-what you little young young blood young buck younger model youngin’ young’n Young, numb and full of dumb young one young uns youns your boy you’re not about that life you’re on your face. your friend your mamma your mileage may vary your mom your mom was good last night your other left your other right yours yours truly yous you’s youse you wanna step? yow yow-yowing yowza yowzah
Y, the yuck yucket yuck it up yuck mouth yucky yuk it up yumapos Yumasoft
yum yum y’uns yunz yup yupi yupperdoodles yuppers puppers yuppie yuppie food stamp yuppify yayo yea yeah yeah almost Yellope yayness
Slang Words Starting From Z |
zackly zactly breath zany zap zapped zapper zap up zazhy zebu zen zeno zero hour zero in on zerber zerbert zero zero-dark-hundred hours zero dark thirty zero day |
Zim zing zinger Ziotard zip zip it zip (one’s) lips Zipper zippered zipper head zippo zippy zomg zone zips zit zoinks zoit zombie |
zonked zonked out zonk out zoo zoomed zoom-in zoop zoop zoot zooted -zor zories zosted zounds zwa zythology zzz zubra Zuhweezy zunga |