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Fact Vs. Fiction / Research and Innovation / Events / The University of Newcastle, Australia

Worldwide 1.35 million people are killed in car accidents annually, with the majority of accidents caused by driver error. Autonomous vehicle technology is developing at an incredibly fast rate and promises immense new levels of safety for cyclists, motorcyclists and pedestrians. But a major challenge is still driver inattention in relation to this new technology.

Professor Kristen Pammer will explore the extraordinary potential, risks and benefits of autonomous vehicles.

Professor Kristen Pammer is the University of Newcastle’s Head of the School of Psychology. She is an expert in applied cognitive psychology and aspects of applied visual attention, such as attentional allocation in driving, reading and dyslexia. Her national and international research is related to these areas, specialising in magnetoencephalographic (MEG) brain imaging.

The event will incorporate refreshments, a Q&A session and informal networking.

This event is being run as part of the Hunter Innovation Festival.


I2N is pleased to bring you this event as part of the Hunter Innovation Festival.


The University of Newcastle’s Integrated Innovation Network (I2N) fuels the success of innovators and entrepreneurs to build great businesses by connecting them with community, coaching, customers and capital. We do this through a range of programs across our I2N Hubs at Hunter Street, Williamtown, Muswellbrook and Honeysuckle (opening 2020).

Program Partner

UON is proud to be able to bring this event to you via the NSW State Government’s Boosting Business Innovation Program.


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