Most Verbs Used In Ielts Exams
Most Verbs Used In Ielts Exams | Verbs are very necessary thing for making you strong in making sentences and its structures.We hope so that you have already learnt these verbs in your childhood.
1 able – (v.) having the power to do something.
2 about – (adj.) almost (“about half”); of or having a relation to. Example: (“We talk about the weather.”).
3 above – (adj.) at a higher place.
4 accident – (n.) something that happens by chance or mistake; an unplanned event.
5 across – (adj.) from side to side; to the other side.
6 act – (v.) to do something.
7 actor – (n.) someone acting in a play or show.
8 adult – (n.) a grown person.
9 advertise – (v.) to show or present the qualities of a product to increase sales.
10 afraid – (adj.) feeling fear.
11 after – (adj.) later; behind.
12 again – (adj.) another time; as before.
13 age – (n.) how old a person or thing is.
14 aggression – (n.) an attack against a person or country; the violation of a country’s borders.
15 ago – (adj.) of time past; before now.
16 agree – (v.) to have the same belief as someone; to be willing to do something.
17 agriculture – (n.) farming.
18 air – (n.) the mixture of gases around the earth. mostly nitrogen and oxygen that we breathe.
19 air force – (n.) a military organization using airplanes.
20 airplane – (n.) a vehicle with wings that flies.
21 airport – (n.) a place where airplanes take off and land.
22 album – (n.) a collection of recorded music.
23 alcohol – (n.) a strong. colorless liquid. usually made from grain used as a drug or in industrial products.
24 alive – (adj.) having life; not dead.
25 all – (adj.) everything; everyone; the complete amount.
26 almost – (adj.) a little less than completely.
27 alone – (adj.) separated from others.
28 along – (adj.) near or on. Example: (“along the road”).
29 already – (adj.) before now; even now.
30 also – (adj.) added to; too.
31 although – (conj.) even if it is true that.
32 always – (adj.) at all times; every time.
33 ambassador – (n.) a nation’s highest diplomatic representative (to another government).
34 anarchy – (n.) a lack of order; lawlessness.
35 anger – (n.) a strong emotion against someone or something.
36 animal – (n.) a living creature that moves. such as a dog or cat.
37 anniversary – (n.) a yearly celebration or observance of an event that happened in the past.
38 announce – (v.) to make known publicly; to declare officially.
39 answer – (n.) a statement produced by a question; . .b: (verb) to make a statement after being asked a question.
40 any – (adj.) one or more of no special kind.
41 apologize – (v.) to express regret for a mistake or accident for which one accepts responsibility.
42 appoint – (v.) to name; to choose. Example: (“appoint a judge”).
43 argue – (v.) to offer reasons for or against something; to dispute; to disagree.
44 arms – (n.) military equipment; weapons.
45 army – (n.) military ground forces.
46 around – (adj.) on every side (of).
47 arrest – (v.) to seize a person for legal action; to take as a prisoner.
48 arrive – (v.) to come to a place. especially at the end of a trip.
49 art – (n.) expressions or creations by humans. such as paintings. music. writing or statues.
50 ash – (n.) the part left after something burns.
51 ask – (v.) to question; to say something is wanted. Example: (“We ask the teacher questions every day.”).
52 astronaut – (n.) a person who travels in space.
53 astronomy – (n.) the scientific study of stars and the universe.
54 at – . (preposition.) in or near. Example: (“at the edge”); where. Example: (“look at”); when. Example: (“at noon”).
55 attempt – (v.) to work toward something; to try; to make an effort.
56 automobile – (n.) a vehicle with wheels used to carry people; a car.
57 autumn – (n.) the time of the year between summer and winter.
58 awake – (adj.) not sleeping.
59 award – (n.) an honor or prize for an act or service.
60 away – (adj.) not near.
61 baby – (n.) a newly born creature.
62 back – (n.) the part behind the front; (adj.) the other way from forward.
63 bad – (adj.) wrong; acting against the law; not good.
64 ball – (n.) something round.
65 balloon – (n.) a device of strong. light material that rises when filled with gas lighter than air.
66 bank – (n.) an organization that keeps and lends money.
67 barrier – (n.) anything that blocks or makes an action difficult.
68 be – (v.) to live; to happen; to exist.
69 beat – (v.) to hit again and again.
70 beauty – (n.) that which pleases the eye. ear or spirit.
71 because – . (preposition.) for the reason that. Example: (“He left because he was sick.”).
72 become – (v.) to come to be.
73 bed – (n.) a sleeping place.
74 before – . (preposition.) earlier.
75 begin – (v.) to do the first part of an action; to start.
76 behavior – (n.) the way in which a person or animal acts. Example: (“The child’s behavior was bad because he fought with other children.”)
77 behind – (adj.) at the back of; in back of.
78 believe – (v.) to think; to feel sure of; to accept as true; to trust.
79 below – (adj.) lower than.
80 best – (adj.) the most good.
81 betray – (v.) to turn against; to be false to.
82 better – (adj.) more good than.
83 bill – (n.) a legislative proposal.
84 biology – (n.) the scientific study of life or living things in all their forms.
85 bird – (n.) a creature that flies.
86 bite – (v.) to cut with the teeth.
87 black – (adj.) dark; having the color like that of the night sky.
88 blame – (v.) to accuse; to hold responsible.
89 bleed – (v.) to lose blood.
90 blind – (adj.) not able to see.
91 blood – (n.) red fluid in the body.
92 blue – (adj.) having the color like that of a clear sky.
93 boat – (n.) something built to travel on water that carries people or goods.
94 body – (n.) all of a person or animal; the remains of a person or animal.
95 boil – (v.) to heat a liquid until it becomes very hot.
96 bomb – (n.) a: a device that explodes with great force; .b: (verb.) to attack or destroy with bombs.
97 bone – (n.) the hard material in the body.
98 border – (n.) a dividing line between nations.
99 born – (v.) to come to life; to come into existence.
100 borrow – (v.) to take as a loan.
101 bottle – (n.) a container. usually made of glass. to hold liquid.
102 bottom – (adj.) the lowest part of something.
103 boycott – (v.) to refuse to take part in or deal with.
104 brain – (n.) the control center of thought. emotions and body activity of all creatures.
105 brave – (adj.) having no fear.
106 bread – (n.) a food made from grain.
107 break – (v.) to divide into parts by force; to destroy.
108 breathe – (v.) to take air into the body and let it out again.
109 bridge – (n.) a structure built over a waterway. valley or road so people and vehicles can cross from one side to the other.
110 bright – (adj.) giving much light; strong and clear in color.
111 bring – (v.) to come with something.
112 brother – (n.) a male with the same father or mother as another person.
113 brown – (adj.) having the color like that of coffee.
114 budget – (n.) a spending plan.
115 build – (v.) to join materials together to make something.
116 building – (n.) anything built for use as a house. factory. office. school. store or place of entertainment.
117 burn – (v.) to be on fire; to destroy or damage by fire.
118 bury – (v.) to put into the ground and cover with earth.
119 business – (n.) one’s work; buying and selling to earn money; trade.
120 busy – (adj.) doing something; very active.
121 but – (conj.) however; other than; yet.
122 buy – (v.) to get by paying something. usually money.
123 by – (conj.) near; at; next to. Example: (“by the road”); from. Example: (“a play by William Shakespeare”); not later than. Example: (“by midnight”).
124 cabinet – (n.) a group of ministers that helps lead a government.
125 call – (v.) to give a name to. Example: (“I call myself John.)”; to ask for or request (“They called for an end to the fighting.”).
126 calm – (adj.) quiet; peaceful; opposite tense.
127 camera – (n.) a device for taking pictures.
128 camp – (n.) a place with temporary housing.
129 can – (v.) a: to be able to; to have the right to; .b: (noun.) a container used to hold liquid or food. usually made of metal.
130 cancer – (n.) a disease in which dangerous cells grow quickly and destroy parts of the body.
131 capital – (n.) the official center of a government; the city where a country’s government is.
132 capture – (v.) to make a person or animal a prisoner; to seize or take by force; to get control of.
133 care – (v.) to like; to protect; to feel worry or interest.
134 careful – (adj.) acting safely; with much thought.
135 carry – (v.) to take something or someone from one place to another.
136 case (medical) – (n.) an incident of disease . Example: (“There was only one case of chicken pox at the school.”).
137 catch – (v.) to seize after a chase; to stop and seize with the hands.
138 century – (n.) one hundred years.
139 ceremony – (n.) an act or series of acts done in a special way established by tradition.
140 chairman – (n.) a person leading a meeting or an organized group.