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Info Sessions / Future Students / Events / The University of Newcastle, Australia

If you’re a future student and have questions about studying with us in 2019, we’re here to help!

Come on campus and talk to our team about our degrees, changing preferences, scholarships, accommodation, alternative entry options, and more.

The Info Sessions are held after ATARs are released and prior to the close of change of preferences for consideration in December Round 2, so it’s perfect timing to get the advice you need to finalise your application.

For non-school leavers you can also get help with applying for credit, which could save you time and money!

For school leavers, knowing your ATAR means your choices may have changed. There is a range of UON entry schemes and bonus points available to you. Talk to our admissions team who can help you understand your adjusted ATAR and your options. On Friday 14 December you can also join our Q&A session on our Facebook page.

If you are yet to apply and needing face-to-face advice, be sure to attend this event.

Please note: If you’re planning to attend one of our Newcastle events and are interested in studying a Business, Commerce, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Law or Creative Industries degree, you’re best to attend the Newcastle City Info Session.

The following three Info Sessions will be held on Saturday 15 December 2018 between 10am – 1pm:

Newcastle (Callaghan) – Student Central, Student Services Building, Callaghan (K18 on map)

Newcastle City – NeW Space, Cnr King and Auckland Streets, Newcastle

Central Coast – Information Resource Centre (Library), Central Coast campus, Chittaway Road, Ourimbah