Essay Preparation Best Ielts Exams Preparation Best English Essay Preparation
Essay Preparation Best Ielts Exams Preparation Best English Essay Preparation
Special Preparation:-
Now you come to the specific preparation needed for writing an essay on some particular subject and the first thing we must do is define the Subject.
(a) Defining the Subject: You must have a clear and accurate idea of the Subjectessay’s Subject before we attempt to write on it- what exactly it is and what it is not. Some subjects are so simple that we can scarcely make a mistake about them, but some want looking into to define them exactly. For example, “The Uses of Computers” The Subject is not how computers work. Nor is it the history of computers. Yet some students, carelessly reading the Subject, might easily take up a large part of their essay with such topics. In a short school-essay, there is no room for another matter. You have to come to the point at once and start away with the main Subject.
In this case, the Subject uses computers in offices, in industries, in aircraft, in spacecraft, etc. Therefore, you must define the Subject clearly in your mind, or you may waste much time and paper in writing on more or less irrelevant matters.
(b) Collecting materials:- (i) Reading up the Subject:- When you have a clear idea of your Subject, the next step will be to think of what you can say about it. Some subjects are so simple that a little reflection should supply you with sufficient material for a short essay, but for others, certain information will be needed for which you may have to do some special reading. For instance, if you have to write about some historical subjects or describe some country you have seen, you will have to get hold of some books and read the Subject.
But in any case, you have to collect materials for your essay before you can write it. In schools, class-discussions on the Subject, under the teacher’s guidance, are very helpful in this stage of special preparation.
In any case, do not attempt to write the essay before you have given some time to think over what you can say on the Subject. The common habit of beginning to write down the first thing that comes into one’s head, without knowing what is to come next, is fatal to good essay writing.
(ii) Collection:- As w think over the Subject, facts, ideas, and illustrations will pass through your mind. But if we don’t catch them as they come, we may forget them just when you want them. So, as we catch a thief and lock him in jail, catch and lock these fleeting thoughts by jotting them down on a piece of paper just as they come into our head, without troubling ourselves at this stage about their order or suitability.
We can examine the birds thus caught at your leisure later. (To save time afterward, and for convenience of reference, number these notes as you jot them down.)
(iii) Selection:- When you think you have collected enough material for your essay, or you can’t think of any more points, read over the notes you have jotted down to select the points most suitable for your purpose. Examine at your leisure the birds in the cage, to see what they are worth. You may find that some points are not very relevant or won’t fit in; cross them out.
You may find that some are mere repetitions of others, and others may be illustrations to be brought under main heads. This selection process will probably suggest to you in a general way the line of thought you may follow in the essay.
(c) Logical Arrangement:- Now you should be ready to decide on the line of thought of the essay, i.e., the logical order in which you can arrange the points you have selected.
The necessity of thus arranging your thoughts according to some ordinary plan cannot be too strongly insisted upon. The essay will probably be badly rambling, arranged,disproportioned, and full of repetitions and irrelevancies without it.
(i) Outlining:- Bearing your Subject definitely in your mind and with your purpose clearly before you, sketch out a bare outline of the main heads, under which you will arrange your various materials in a natural, logical, and convincing order – from a brief introduction to an Effective Conclusion.
(ii) Filling in the Outline:- Having thus mapped out the main points with which you are going to deal, arrange the ideas you have collected each under its proper main head,rejecting all those not relevant to your Subject or which repeat other thoughts, and taking care that each belongs to the division in which you place it.
You will now have a full outline, which is to guide you in writing the essay. But this is not the essay, but only its well-articulated skeleton. It would help if you now clothed the skeleton with flesh and (most difficult of all) breathe into it the breath of life before you can call your production an essay.
How To Write An Essay Best Tips And Tricks For Essay IELTS Preparation