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5 Tips on how to prepare for the IELTS Writing Test

5 Tips on how to prepare for the IELTS Writing Test

Do you find it difficult with the IELTS Writing Test? If you are planning to attend IELTS test or wish to improve IELTS writing score, get prepared well. The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) measures your language proficiency to study or work where English is used as a language of communication. However, we have some top tips for you if you find your writing test tough. As we know there are two types of IELTS exams: IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training. IELTS Academic exam is designed for those who wish to choose higher education or professional registration abroad. The IELTS General Test is to study, work, or move to a major English-speaking country. And therefore, the IELTS Writing tests are different from the Academic and General Training tests. The IELTS Writing test assesses your ability to produce different pieces of writing in a short time. IELTS Writing evaluates your knowledge of grammar, way of expressing opinions, reporting, and discussing. Your wide range of vocabulary and grammatical usage in sentences will also be a part of the score. IELTS Writing Test Format- Academic Writing Check out the features of the IELTS test in Academic writing
  • Topics are of general interest. You will be supposed to write a summary for a graph, table, or chart. Also, you will have to compare data, identify significance and trends in factual information, or describe a process.
  • There are two tasks in Academic writing:
Task 1 – you will be presented with a graph, table, or diagram to summarise. You may be asked to describe the stages of a process or how something works. Task 2 – You will have to write an essay in response to a point of view or a problem.
  • The time duration of the test is 60 minutes.
IELTS Writing Test Format- General Writing Here are the features of the IELTS test in General Writing
  • The topics are of general interest.
  • There are two tasks in the test similar to Academic writing:
Task 1 – You will have to write a letter requesting information, or explaining the situation. The letter can be informal or formal in style. Task 2 – Write an essay regarding an argument or problem on your personal view.
  • The time duration of the test is 60 minutes.
Tips to prepare for your IELTS Writing Be it IELTS Academic or General test, there are several tips by which you can learn to crack the exam. In your Writing test, there are no right or wrong answers or opinions. The examiners evaluate how you use the English language to effectively express your ideas. Read below some important inevitable tips to gain a better score in the writing test.
  1. Get an Outline
Once you get the question paper, outline what you are going to write and the major thoughts that you have put down. Dig out the important points you can put in the answer paper before you write. Outlining will save time by keeping you focused on specific points that you want to write. It will help you organize your ideas before you start writing. Check with synonyms and good vocabulary that you can add to your answer. Understand the motive behind the question and ensure you react precisely to the point. Writing very long sentences may not do well in your writing test. Make it small, readable, coherent, and free of grammatical errors.
  1. Keep Your Writing Simple
Unless you are sure about the meaning or jargon, avoid using them to impress the readers. It can lead to more errors. The IELTS writing test aims to assess your ability to present ideas clearly in English. Even if you have only a single idea, present it accurately in sound language. Structure the paragraphs and sentences based on your idea. Make sure there are no spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. Choose shorter, more familiar words to explain things or support your judgments. Be precise about the message you need to convey in the letter-writing task and do not forget to follow the format.
  1. Practice and Get Trained
While you prepare for your exam, have a good plan and strategy. Do not attend the exam without practice and preparation. Get trained from experts to crack your exam in the first attempt itself. Investing in a tutor can help you improve quickly. If you wish to get quality training to get your dream score, IELTS Training can help you.
  1. Manage Your Time effectively
Part two of your writing task requires more word count than part one. So, make sure that you plan your time accordingly to complete your writing on time. As we said, don’t forget to plan your essay structure before you start writing. You should include an introduction, ideas to support your argument, and a conclusion based on the information you have provided.
  1. Concentrate on Language, Not Length
From the way you express your ideas to the grammar and spelling mistakes, you are provided marks. There are no right or wrong opinions, but your language must be good enough. Probably, you can earn a better score if you have a good vocabulary, but being lengthy cannot help you score more. Avoid repeating words and try adding synonyms for simple words. Work to build your vocabulary and phrases naturally. Presenting clear and concise opinions. Do not get confused about the spellings as standard American, Australian, and British spellings are acceptable in the IELTS test. Also, write your answers in paragraphs and not in bullet points. Summing Up Remember, keep practicing with every resource that you have. Read the questions carefully and keep it simple. Get help from people who are proficient in language to build confidence within you. Do not wait, get the band score you need and fly to your dream destination.