As part of Research Advantage, the first 2019 Early / Mid Career Researcher (EMCR) Connect and Empower Network Session will provide an opportunity for flash mentoring to occur.
Who: UON Early / Mid Career Researchers
When: 10 – 11.30am Tuesday 19 March 2019 [tea, coffee and biscuits provided]
Where: Treehouse, Shortland Union, Callaghan Campus
Limited spaces available: maximum x25 participants
Prerequisite: bring your research career development plan to this session and be ready with five (5) questions regarding strategies for achieving long – term research career goals, work-life balance, personal growth and individualised career development focus areas.
Participants will take part in a Flash Mentoring Session – an opportunity to speak one – on – one with up to 5 senior UON Researchers and seek their advice / lessons learnt / top tips on specific areas of research career development.
Register now via Discover.