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What is Gerund ? Uses Of Gerund ? Ielts Exams Preparation

What is Gerund ? Uses Of Gerund ? Ielts Exams Preparation

What is Gerund ?

Def.- A Gerund is that form of the verb which ends in -ing, and has the force of a Noun
and a verb.

Examples of Gerund:-
1-I like reading poetry.
2-He is fond of hoarding money.
3-Playing cards is not allowed here.

1- The following sentences contain examples of Compound Gerund forms:-
I heard of his having gained a prize.
We were fatigued on account of having walked so far.
They were charged with having sheltered anarchists.
He is desirous of being praised.

It will be noticed that Compound Gerund forms are formed by placing a Past Participle
after the Gerunds of have and be.

2- Read this sentence:-
Reading is his favourite pastime.
The word reading is formed from the Verb read, by adding ing.
We also see that it is here used as the Subject of a verb, and hence does the work of a
Noun. It is, therefore, a Verb-Noun, and is called a Gerund.

3-The Gerund of a Transitive verb has the following forms:-
Present: loving
Perfect: having loved
Present: being loved
Perfect: having been loved

4-As both the Gerund and the Infinitive have the force of a Noun and a Verb, they
have the same uses. Thus in many sentences either of them may be used without any
special difference in meaning; as,
Teach me to swim.
To see is to believe.
Teach me swimming.

5-It is a Verbal Noun,The Gerund has the force of a Noun and a verb.
As both the Gerund and the Present Participle end in -ing, they must be carefully

The Present Participle has the force of an Adjective and a Verb; it is a Verbal Adjective.

Examples of Gerund-
He is fond of playing cricket.
The old man was tired of walking.

Examples of Participle –
Playing cricket, he gained health.
Walking along the road, he noticed a dead cobra.
Seeing, he believed.

6-In such Compound nouns as
walking, frying, hunting, fencing, writing are Gerunds.


7-Compare the following two sentences:
1. I hope you will excuse my leaving early.
2. I hope you will excuse me leaving early.

In the first sentence the word preceding the gerund is in the possessive case, while in the
second sentence it is in the objective case. Both the sentences are correct. We can use
either the possessive case or objective case of nouns and pronouns before gerunds. The
possessive is more formal, and it is less usual in everyday speech. Here are further

We rejoiced at his/him being promoted.
I insist on your/you being present.

8-He contemplated marrying his cousin.
Object of a preposition; as,
I am tired of waiting.
He is fond of swimming.

9-A Gerund being a verb-noun may be used as –
Subject of a verb: as
Seeing is believing.
Hunting deer is not allowed in this country.

10-Absolutely; as,
Playing cards being his aversion, we did not play bridge.

11-Object of a transitive verb; as,
Stop playing.
Children love making mud castles.
I like reading poetry.

12-Complement of a verb; as,
Seeing is believing.
What I most detest is smoking.