What are NounAnd adverb clauses? English Grammar Ielts Exams Preparation
What is noun clauses? English Basic Grammar Ielts Preparation
What is noun clauses?
1-In each of the following Complex sentences, the Noun Clause is the Subject of a verb:-
- When They will come is final.
- How they may help you in IELTS Exams is their good thinking.
- Whether i can start English Grammar tomorrow seems clear.
2-In each of the following Complex sentences, the Noun Clause is the Object of a transitive verb:-
- Teach me what you have experience of teaching IELTS.
- Declare this thing where you have your IELTS Academy.
- I may tell you how many bands she has got in IELTS exams.
3-In each of the following Complex sentences, the Noun Clause is the Object of a preposition:-
- There is nice story of a teacher that he did well in IELTS teaching.
- Attend all my lectures of IELTS and listen to me what i am teaching you the tips and tricks for how to do well in IELTS exams.
4-Since a Noun Clause does the work of a Noun in a Complex sentence, it can be:-
(i)The Subject of a verb.
(ii)In Apposition to a Noun or Pronoun.
(iii)The Object of a preposition.
(iv)The Subject of a verb.The Object of a transitive verb.
5-In each of the following Complex sentences, the Noun Clause is in Apposition to a Noun or Pronoun:-
- It was good that you achieved your required score in English Grammar.
- It is assumed that you will do well in all modules of IELTS exams.
6-In each of the following Complex sentences, the Noun Clause is used as the Complement of a verb of incomplete predication:-
- Your main aim that you may be permitted to fly.
- After Death ,we have to answer for what we are doing here.
- This is IELTS EXAMS for what i have been working.
- His doubt is clear that he will pass this year in IELTS Exams.
7-We have seen that there are three kinds of Subordinate Clauses:-
- The Noun Clause,
- the Adjective Clause,
- and the Adverb Clause.
We have also seen that a Noun Clause is a subordinate clause which does the work of a noun in a Complex sentence.