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What are Noun And adverb clauses? English Grammar Ielts Exams Preparation

What are NounAnd adverb clauses? English Grammar Ielts Exams Preparation

What is noun clauses? English Basic Grammar Ielts Preparation

What is noun clauses?

1-In each of the following Complex sentences, the Noun Clause is the Subject of a verb:-

  • When They will come is final.
  • How they may help you in IELTS Exams is their good thinking.
  • Whether i can start English Grammar tomorrow seems clear.

2-In each of the following Complex sentences, the Noun Clause is the Object of a transitive verb:-

  • Teach me what you have experience of teaching IELTS.
  • Declare this thing where you have your IELTS Academy.
  • I may tell you how many bands she has got in IELTS exams.


3-In each of the following Complex sentences, the Noun Clause is the Object of a preposition:-

  • There is nice story of a teacher that he did well in IELTS teaching.
  • Attend all my lectures of IELTS and listen to me what i am teaching you the tips and tricks for how to do well in IELTS exams.

4-Since a Noun Clause does the work of a Noun in a Complex sentence, it can be:-

(i)The Subject of a verb.
(ii)In Apposition to a Noun or Pronoun.
(iii)The Object of a preposition.
(iv)The Subject of a verb.The Object of a transitive verb.

5-In each of the following Complex sentences, the Noun Clause is in Apposition to a Noun or Pronoun:-

  • It was good that you achieved your required score in English Grammar.
  • It is assumed that you will do well in all modules of IELTS exams.

6-In each of the following Complex sentences, the Noun Clause is used as the Complement of a verb of incomplete predication:-

  • Your main aim that you may be permitted to fly.
  • After Death ,we have to answer for what we are doing here.
  • This is IELTS EXAMS for what i have been working.
  • His doubt is clear that he will pass this year in IELTS Exams.

7-We have seen that there are three kinds of Subordinate Clauses:-

  • The Noun Clause,
  • the Adjective Clause,
  • and the Adverb Clause.

We have also seen that a Noun Clause is a subordinate clause which does the work of a noun in a Complex sentence.

Parts Of Speech Kinds Of Pronouns In English Grammar