Weather English Vocabulary | Students of English who are preparing for English and IELTS tests, they should have vocabulary of most common English weather words if they are about to write about weather topic,weather news,weather essay etc.
WINDY |Weather English Vocabulary
windy /’w?ndi/ adjective
windier; windiest
: having a lot of wind
It’s a windy day.
It’s windy outside.
a windy part of the country
: using too many words
He gave a long, windy speech.
a windy politician
PERCIPITATION |Weather English Vocabulary
precipitation /pr??s?p?’te???n/ noun
plural precipitations
[noncount] : water that falls to the ground as rain, snow, etc.
The weather forecast calls for some sort of frozen precipitation tomorrow—either snow or sleet.
a 50 percent chance of precipitation
[count, noncount] technical : the process of separating a solid substance from a liquid
Minerals are separated from the seawater by precipitation.
RAIN |Weather English Vocabulary
1 rain /’re?n/ noun
plural rains
Learner’s definition of RAIN
: water that falls in drops from clouds in the sky
The weatherman forecasts rain for this afternoon.
We could hear the sound of (the) rain on the roof.
Everyone went inside when the rain began to fall.
[+] more examples
spring/summer rains
What the garden needs is a good, soaking rain.
A light/heavy rain began to fall.
There has been some flooding due to the recent heavy rains.
— see also acid rain
[noncount] : weather in which there is a lot of rain : rainy weather
We’ve had a week of rain.
rains [plural] : large amounts of rain that fall at a particular time of year
The rains came and flooded the valley.
4 Weather English Vocabulary
[singular] : a large amount of something falling from above
a rain of ash/ashes
(as) right as rain
— see 1right
rain or shine or come rain, come shine or come rain or come shine
— used to say that something will happen even if it rains
The party will be on Tuesday, rain or shine.
— sometimes used figuratively
I’ll always love you, come rain or come shine. [=I will love you no matter what happens]
— rainless adjective
a rainless week
2 rain /’re?n/ verb
rains; rained; raining
[no object] — used with it to say that rain is falling
Take an umbrella with you. It’s raining. [=rain is falling from the sky]
The weatherman said it will rain later this afternoon.
It rained all day.
[+] more examples
always followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] : to fall from above in large amounts
Ashes rained (down) from the volcano.
Sparks from the fireworks rained on the field.
[+ object] : to cause (something) to fall in large amounts
The volcano rained ashes on the city.
The boxers rained blows/punches on each other. [=the boxers hit each other many times]
be rained out (US) or British be rained off
: to be canceled because of rain
Today’s game was rained out and will be played tomorrow instead.
rain cats and dogs informal
: to rain very hard
rain on someone’s parade US, informal
: to spoil someone’s pleasure
I don’t mean to rain on your parade, but I have some bad news.
when it rains, it pours (US) informal or chiefly British it never rains but it pours
— used to say that when something bad happens other bad things usually happen at the same time
The team not only lost the game but three of its best players were injured. When it rains, it pours.
Shower |Weather English Vocabulary
1 shower /’?aw?/ noun
plural showers
1 Weather English Vocabulary
a : a device that produces a spray of water for you to stand under and wash your body
b : a room or an enclosed area in a room that contains a shower
My hotel room had a shower but no bathtub.
a shower curtain/stall
I couldn’t answer the phone because I was in the shower.
The team hit the showers after practice. [=the team went to the locker room and used the showers there after practice]
— see picture at bathroom
c : the act of washing your body with a shower
She took a shower after her run. = (Brit) She had a shower after her run.
a shower cap [=a cap that you wear while you are taking a shower]
2 Weather English Vocabulary
a : a brief fall of rain or snow over a small area
Light/Heavy showers are expected later today.
— see also thundershower
b : a large number of small things that fall or happen at the same time — often + of
a shower of sparks/tears
He gave the baby a shower of kisses. [=he showered the baby with kisses]
3 Weather English Vocabulary
US : a party where gifts are given to a woman who is going to be married or have a baby
a bridal/baby
2 shower /’?aw?/ verb
showers; showered; showering
[no object] : to wash yourself by using a shower
Please shower before using the pool.
: to fall on someone or something in the way that rain falls from the sky
[no object]
Sparks from the machine showered onto the floor of the garage.
Rice showered down on the newlyweds as they left the church.
[+ object]
A passing car showered her with muddy water. = A passing car showered muddy water on her.
[+ object] : to provide (someone) with something in large amounts
He showered her with gifts/kisses. = He showered gifts/kisses on her. [=he gave her many gifts/kisses]
Smog |Weather English Vocabulary
smog /’sm??g/ noun
: fog mixed with smoke : a cloud of dirty air from cars, factories, etc., that is usually found in cities
pollution /p?’lu???n/ noun
1 Weather English Vocabulary
: the action or process of making land, water, air, etc., dirty and not safe or suitable to use
industrial practices that have caused pollution of the air and water
2 Weather English Vocabulary
: substances that make land, water, air, etc., dirty and not safe or suitable to use
The tests showed high levels of pollution in the water/air.
The fish are dying of/from pollution.
Heat |Weather English Vocabulary
heat /’hi?t/ noun
plural heats
1 Weather English Vocabulary
[noncount] : energy that causes things to become warmer
The sun’s heat melted the snow.
the intense heat of a fire
She applied heat to the sore muscles in her leg.
body heat
2 Weather English Vocabulary
[noncount] : hot weather or temperatures
a period of high heat and humidity
The crops were damaged by drought and extreme heat.
the desert’s dry heat [=hot temperatures with little moisture in the air]
— often used with the
She doesn’t like the heat.
The runners performed well despite the 90-degree heat.
These flowers tend to wilt in the heat of summer.
[+] more examples
a : the level of temperature that is used to cook something
— usually singular
The meat was cooked at a high heat for 10 minutes.
Reduce the heat to low and simmer.
Cook the milk over low/gentle/medium heat.
b [singular] : a source of heat used for cooking something : the hot part of an oven, stove top, etc.
Remove the pan from the heat.
[noncount] chiefly US : the system that is used to provide warmth to a room or building
The house uses electric/gas/oil/solar heat. [=heating]
Would you please turn up/down the heat? [=(Brit) heating]
5 Weather English Vocabulary
a : strong and often angry feelings
It’s a topic that generates a lot of heat.
He responded with some heat [=he responded in an angry way] to the accusations.
b : the time when emotions are most strongly felt — used in phrases like in the heat of passion, in the heat of the moment, etc.
The crime was committed in the heat of passion. [=when the criminal was very angry]
She said things in the heat of the moment [=when she was angry for a short period of time] that she later regretted.
— see also in the heat of (the) battle at 1battle
chiefly US, informal
a the heat : pressure to do something
The administration is putting the heat on legislators to approve the tax bill.
She’s at her best when the heat is on. [=when she feels a lot of pressure; when she needs to finish something quickly]
The company has turned up the heat on [=has put extra pressure on] its employees to finish the job quickly.
? The expression if you can’t stand/take the heat, get out of the kitchen means that you should not try to do a difficult job if you cannot deal with the pressure and problems that are part of the job.
b [noncount] : criticism or abuse
He took/got a lot of heat for his decision.
[count] : one of several races or contests that are held in order to decide who will be in the final race or contest
The top two finishers in each heat will move on to the finals.
— see also dead heat
in heat (US) or British on heat
— used to describe a female animal that is ready to have sex and is able to become pregnant
The cat is in heat.
like a dog in heat
an animal that is coming into heat [=beginning to be in heat]
more heat than light
? To produce or generate more heat than light means to cause anger without helping to make something better understood.
Her first book on the issue generated more heat than light.
pack heat US slang, old-fashioned + humorous
: to carry a gun
a thug who was packing heat
— see also prickly heat
— heatless /’hi?tl?s/ adjective
heatless buildings
2 heat /’hi?t/ verb
heats; heated; heating
Learner’s definition of HEAT
[+ object]
: to cause (something) to become warm or hot
I heated the vegetables in the microwave.
They heat their house with a wood stove.
heat up [phrasal verb]
: to become warm or hot
The morning started out cold but it heated up quickly.
: to become more active, intense, or angry
Their conversation started to heat up. [=(Brit) hot up]
Competition between the two companies is heating up.
heat (something) up or heat up (something) : to cause (something) to become warm or hot
Could you heat up the vegetables, please?
Hail |Weather English Vocabulary
1 hail /’he?l/ noun
1 Weather English Vocabulary
[noncount] : pieces of ice that fall from clouds like rain
Many cars were damaged by hail during the storm.
[singular] : a large number of small hard objects (such as bullets or stones) flying or falling together
They were gunned down in a hail of bullets.
a hail of pellets
— often used figuratively
The court’s decision was met with a hail of criticism. [=was strongly criticized by many people]
Global Warming |Weather English Vocabulary
global warming noun
: the recent increase in the world’s temperature that is believed to be caused by the increase of certain gases (such as carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere
World leaders will address the problem of global warming.
Forecast |Weather English Vocabulary
1 forecast /’fo??kæst/ Brit /’f???k??st/ verb
forecasts; forecast also forecasted; forecasting
[+ object]
: to say that (something) will happen in the future : to predict (something, such as weather) after looking at the information that is available
They’re forecasting rain for this weekend.
The company is forecasting reduced profits.
Experts forecast that the economy will slow in the coming months.
— forecaster noun, plural forecasters [count]
weather forecasters
economic forecasters
Snow |Weather English Vocabulary
1 snow /’sno?/ noun
plural snows
Learner’s definition of SNOW
: soft, white pieces of frozen water that fall to the ground from the sky in cold weather
Snow fell softly on the town.
The mountains were blanketed/covered with snow.
She took a walk in the snow.
[+] more examples
Soon the warm spring sun will melt the winter snows.
the snows of the Rocky Mountains
A light/heavy snow was falling.
[noncount] : white dots that appear on the screen of a television when it is receiving a weak signal
2 snow /’sno?/ verb
snows; snowed; snowing
[no object] — used with it to say that snow is falling
Look—it’s snowing! [=snow is falling from the sky]
It snowed all day.
The weatherman says that it will snow tomorrow.
It was snowing heavily, making it difficult to drive.
[+ object] US, informal : to impress, deceive, or persuade (someone) — usually used as (be) snowed
She was not snowed by the special treatment she received.
I was completely snowed by the presentation. [=I was very impressed by it]
snowed in also British snowed up
: unable to leave a place because a lot of snow is falling or has fallen
We got snowed in at my sister’s house.
They were snowed in for a week.
: blocked with snow
The road was snowed in.
snowed under
: having to deal with too much of something : overwhelmed by something
He was snowed under with e-mail. [=he had a lot of e-mails to respond to]
Temperature |Weather English Vocabulary
temperature /’t?mpr??t?u?/ noun
plural temperatures
: a measurement that indicates how hot or cold something is : a measurement in degrees showing the heat of something (such as air or water)
The water temperature has risen (by) two degrees. [=the water has become two degrees warmer]
Water boils at a temperature of 212°F.
The samples are kept/maintained at a constant temperature.
Thunder |Weather English Vocabulary
thunder /’??nd?/ noun
[noncount] : the very loud sound that comes from the sky during a storm : the sound that follows a flash of lightning
Her dog is afraid of thunder.
Lightning flashed and thunder boomed/crashed.
Suddenly there was a loud clap of thunder.
We could hear the rumble of thunder in the distance.
[singular] : a loud noise that sounds like thunder
the thunder of horses’ hooves
the distant thunder of cannon fire
She accepted the award to a thunder of applause.
Windchill |Weather English Vocabulary
windchill /’w?nd?t??l/ noun
plural windchills
chiefly US
1 Weather English Vocabulary
[noncount] : the effect that wind has of making air feel colder than it actually is
It’s cold outside, and it feels even colder because of the windchill.
— called also windchill factor
2 Weather English Vocabulary
[count] : a temperature that shows how cold the air feels because of the wind
Expect windchills in the 10s tonight.
Fog |Weather English Vocabulary
1 fog /’f??g/ noun
plural fogs
1 Weather English Vocabulary
: many small drops of water floating in the air above the ground, the sea, etc.
Heavy fog made it difficult to see the road.
a patch/blanket of fog
ocean fog
a climate marked by heavy fogs
The fog reduced visibility to a quarter of a mile.
2 Weather English Vocabulary
[singular] : a state of mental confusion
This problem has me in a fog.
an alcohol-induced fog
2 fog /’f??g/ verb
fogs; fogged; fogging
1 Weather English Vocabulary
a [+ object] : to cover or fill (something) with small drops of water : to make (something) foggy
The steam from the pot was fogging the window near the stove.
The cold air fogged (up) his glasses.
The bathroom was all fogged up after my shower.
b [no object] : to become foggy
His glasses were fogging.
— often + up
His glasses were fogging up.
The weather is fogging up.
2 Weather English Vocabulary
[+ object] : to make (someone or something) confused
politicians who try to fog the issue instead of taking a stand
drugs that fog [=cloud] your mind/judgment