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Kinds Of Pronouns English Grammar Ielts Exams Preparation

Kinds Of Pronouns English Grammar Ielts Exams Preparation

What are Personal Pronouns

Personal Pronouns Examples :

You may state

Lucy cooks scrumptious, on the grounds that Alxendar has 7 years involvement in cooking.

In any case, it is smarter to keep away from the reiteration of the Noun Lucy, and state

Lucy cooks scrumptious, on the grounds that she has 7 years involvement in cooking.

A Pronoun is a word replaced with a Noun.

He,she,it ,i,we,you,they are utilized for personal pronouns words.

Forms of the Personal Pronouns

Coming up next are the various forms of the Personal Pronouns :-

FIRST PERSON (Masculine or Feminine)

Solitary – PLURAL

Nominative – I – We

Possessive – my, mine – our, our own

Accusative – me – us

SECOND PERSON (Masculine or Feminine)


Nominative – You

Possessive – Your, Yours

Accusative – You


Solitary – PLURAL

Masculine – Feminine – Neuter – All Genders

Nominative – They,She,It

Possessive – Their,hers,her,its,his

Accusative – Them,her,it

What number of forms Personal Pronouns have ?

Of these the forms my, our, your, her, their, are called Possessive Adjectives

since they are utilized with things and take the necessary steps of Adjectives; as,

Pronominal Adjectives are same impact as like Possessive Adjectives’ belongings.

This is my book. (Possessive Adjective)

This book is mine. (Possessive Pronoun)

What number of Genders has third person pronoun

Third Person Pronoun has three Genders :

Masculine – he

Feminine – she

Neutral- it