IELTS Vocabulary English Vocabulary Lesson 25 IELTS Exams Preparation
IELTS Vocabulary English Vocabulary Lesson 25 IELTS Exams Preparation
251-Nudged (Verb)
Definition: prod (someone) gently with one’s elbow to attract attention.
Synonyms: elbow, dig, poke,
Usage: People are nudging each other and pointing at me.
252-Verdict (Noun)
Definition: a decision on an issue of fact in a civil or criminal case or an inquest.
Synonyms: judgment, adjudication, judgment, decision
Usage: The camera recorded a verdict of death by misadventure.
253-Baffling (Adj)
Definition: perplexing, impossible to understand.
Usage: The crime is a baffling mystery for us.
254-Plethora (Noun)
Definition: a large or excessive amount of something.
Usage: A plethora of committees and subcommittees.
255-Conduit (Noun)
Definition: a channel for conveying water or other fluid.
Synonyms: duct, pipe, tube, gutter, groove, channel.
Usage: Springwater ran down a conduit into the brewery.
256-Eroded (Verb)
Definition: gradually destroy or be progressively destroyed.
Synonyms: wear away/down, rub, scrape away, grind down, crumble, dissolve
Usage: The rainwater has eroded the soil.
257-Hiccups (Noun)
Definition: with a sudden closure of the glottis and a characteristic gulping sound, an involuntary spasm of the diaphragm and respiratory organs,
Usage: Then she got hiccups.
258-Conceit (Noun)
Definition: excessive pride in oneself.
Synonyms: conceitedness, self-love, self-admiration, vanity, narcissism.
Usage: Your eyes widened at his extraordinary conceit.
259-Invocation (Noun)
Definition: the function of invoking something or someone.
Synonyms: acknowledgment, calling on; appeal to, citation, mention.
Usage: Her invocation of themes favored by the grassroots supporters.
260-Precedents (Noun)
Definition: an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances.
Synonyms: example, pattern, previous case, model.
Usage: There are substantial precedents for using interactive media in exercise.