Ielts Exams Secrets Tips | Ielts is not so much difficult task as it is introduced by most of Ielts teachers ,in fact ,they try to make it harder for students who have less belief in themselves. So they can approach them easily.Ielts consists of four sections i.e. Ielts reading,Ielts writing,Ielts listening,Ielts speaking.They all depend on basic English grammar rules.So the rule of thumb is to practice Ielts exercise as you go deep into Ielts exercises and practices,you would feel yourself more steady on the road to Ielts success.
Some Ielts Exams Secrets Tips are given below
- Make English personal
- Be aware of what could appear do in the exams
- Practice recent queestions
- 2 hours active listening ever day
- 1 hour active speaking
- 1 hour active reading
- 1 hour active writing(guided if needed)
Ielts Reading | Ielts Exams Secrets Tips
- Engage yourself in practice tests
- Do reading from beginning to end
- Find main headlines
- Find sub main headlines
- Do one question at one time
Ielts Listening | Ielts Exams Secrets Tips
- Listen activly
- Learn accents
- Take notes on speech and language flow
- Learn testing strategies
- Listen conversations
- Engage yourself in practices until you reach your climax of self confidence.
Ielts Speaking Tips | Ielts Exams Secrets Tips
- Answer direct
- If you live in English country ,it is plus point for your learning
- Summarize your talk
- Scoring 9 bands in Ielts can be achieved with great ,good accent.
- In Ielts exams speaking,first writing keywords for your second part of Ielts speaking.
- Note down keyword on your cue card.
- Avoid overuse of Language that may sound robotic or unnatural.
- Use accented transitions when you feel on focus.
- Use collo-quliness appropriately
- Practice speaking for longer than 3 minutes.
- coherence trumps all
- Keep the conversation portions sounding like conversations
- Stay on topic
Ielts Writing | Ielts Exams Secrets Tips
- Learn essay structure
- Check your writing and get checked by a good teacher
- Read many essays before exams
- Focus on choosing quality of words rather than length(250 words)