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`Getting Ready For The O-Level: Tips From An Experienced Senior Teacher

`Getting Ready For The O-Level: Tips From An Experienced Senior Teacher

How To Score Well For O Levels

How do I prepare for O-level to score high is one most common questions that every student at O level asks. Many people say it’s pretty easy to score well and pass O-level tests but let me share why that is. The most important reason is that if you learn regularly and consistently and adhere to proven methods, that will help you score high at o level and effortlessly master the syllabus required for your examinations. For your convenience, this article offers 13 simple suggestions to aid you in achieving well at o level.


It’s the time of year once again. The O-Levels are right close to the mark, and students might be a bit anxious as they approach the exam.

Despite being immersed in their books for the entire year, O-level students frequently are stressed, exhausted, and exhausted in September. This stress can cause students to forget the lessons they’ve learned, and as I am a teacher, I’ve witnessed students fall behind in the lead-up to an important test.


It’s not required, but if students practice a few easy habits to help them focus and keep their minds at ease! Follow these 6 suggestions before the O-Level exam to help you focus your mind.

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  1. Don’t just prepare to pass the O level. Prepare for the rest of your life

Effective timetable management leads to positive O Level results and subsequently positive outcomes in the real world.


While achieving a high score on the O levels can increase your confidence, Most students are studying just to pass the test and forget everything they’ve learned, both concerning their subject and in general, after getting out of the exam hall. Although this is a natural thing and is frequently a topic of conversation, it’s also quite frequent since there isn’t any need to remember the information following the exam.


  1. Set Your Body Clock to Your Advantage


Students who aren’t morning people may not sit down to write their papers before lunch. It could impact your performance if you’re walking into the exam room half asleep.


Be sure to get your bed and wake up regularly to ensure that your mind can warm up, and you’re ready to go when your papers begin!


  1. Plan Your Revision


Its accurate planning is the key to success. Making plans to fall. Following a timetable that is well-planned assists in ensuring discipline as well as setting realistic goals for studying. Also, it means you’ll be having breaks more!

To ensure better retention, you should study every subject in a rotation instead of focusing on one topic for an extended duration.

The burden of a pile of work is undoubtedly challenging.


We all know that doing homework is almost everyone’s nightmare, and with good reason. If the O Levels come around, teachers will release an endless amount of papers for the exam and assignments for you to study on. This is a huge stressor for students and can cause them to scream in awe at the thought of having to do more and more homework.


  1. Reward Yourself and Take Breaks


Revision can be enjoyable If you set your goals in smaller, manageable steps and reward the small victories with little snacks!

What better way to reward yourself than with that glass of tea that you’ve been craving, a quick 30-minute nap, or perhaps an hour-long scroll on the Instagram feed? So, you’re less likely to get burned out or become exhausted while working.


  1. Stick to the Tried-and-Tested


Before your exam, you should avoid trying something new that may affect your study schedule or increase confidence. Foods that you haven’t tried before can cause stomach upset, and a change in your sleep routine can impact the alertness of the test, and attempting new questions in the days or two before the exam can be a disaster for confidence!


Instead, focus on reviewing the same techniques and then establishing the same routine.


  1. Extreme last-minute cramming at the last minute is a terrible idea

This technique, dubbed “cramming,” is mainly done by those who aren’t prepared for their exams. It’s usually not a good option as students must go to bed at night to study, which can cost them their sleep and reduces their ability to concentrate during tests.


In addition, cramming causes the stress level to rise and can hinder remembering information that could cost you marks on exams, as described earlier. I suggest that you periodically review the lessons you’ve learned to ensure that the information will be stored in your brain in the form of long-term memory. If you’re not sure about your capacity to hold data before taking the test, you should go over the cheat sheets that you have been given.


  1. Look Through Work Before Sleeping


Do you have a sequence of steps or formulas or a structure you’ll need to remember?


Take a look at it before getting ready to sleep. Research suggests that retention is improved when students can study concepts before bed, especially in the case of new information.


  1. Practise Retrieval Techniques


A lot of students prefer to revise their work by reviewing and reading their notes. While this practice can help commit something to memory, another important aspect is ensuring you have access to the information during exam time.


Try your hand at flashcards or pair up! It’s enjoyable to study with a buddy to take a test and aid each other in memorizing the most important words and concepts.


  1. Clarify your doubts

The more you understand the process, the more apparent the impact will be on the results.


Understanding your questions is a crucial step to achieving high grades. It isn’t easy to ask friends or teachers for help to clarify your questions, particularly in the case of shyness and your teacher is a bit stern; however, doing this could lead to confusion over the subject. In addition, you could end up losing points for questions you may have been able to answer If you’d already asked before the time.


Generating the Momentum, Your Child Needs to Excel


The O-Levels are an extremely challenging task for every student who is enrolled in Singapore’s educational system. To successfully overcome the obstacles that are thrown their path, the child has to develop a multi-faceted strategy that combines on-paper learning and soft abilities.


We at The Learning Lab, we are acutely aware of the essential components your child needs in their O-Levels education and are committed to helping them recognize and avoid any possible mistakes.


  1. Sleep enough

This is a widespread practice, and it’s a typical method because of reason.


This is one thing that a lot of adults and even adults neglect their sleep hours. Many students will tell you they’re exhausted and sleep deficient. They aren’t able to concentrate in class and then start daydreaming.


Teachers also complain that their students lack energy as well as enthusiasm in their class. They also aren’t responsive to questions or teaching.


Make sure you are tidy and well-organized.


A tidy and clean environment can boost productivity when in comparison to a dirty and chaotic space. Cleanliness doesn’t stop at the workplace but also extends to how you arrange your homework and worksheets. If you’re spending an extended amount of time wringing through your workbooks in frustration trying to locate a specific one, you need to tidy up. Not just are messy notes challenging to look at, but they take up the majority of your precious revision time.


A practical method to arrange your worksheets is to purchase yourself a ring file for each study subject. Purchase dividers from the book store and place the worksheets based on topics or another method that provides the best way to locate the worksheet you require. It’s more efficient and simpler to organize later.


  1. Make time for exercise

It’s the 2nd aspect of staying fit and getting in shape, one of which is eating healthy and your food in different words.


“I don’t have time to exercise!”


It’s the most commonly used excuse to not exercise, but to be fair, this has some merits.