Differences Between American English And British English Lesson 2
7-The British talk about a patient in hospital. Americans use the British Englishfore hospital. Collective nouns (like government, committee, teamjamily, etc.) take a singular or plural verb in British English. They normally have a singular verb in American English.
American English : The committee meets tomorrow.
The team is going to lose.
British English : The committee meets/meet tomorrow.
The team is/are going to lose.
8-On the telephone both the British and Americans say “This is ….” to say who they are, but usage is different when they ask who the other person is.
American English : Hello, is this David? Who is this?
British English : Hello, is that David? Who is that?
9-Americans use the simple past or present perfect in such situations.The British use the present perfect when the result of a past action is connected to the present.
American English : Alexa isn’t at home,She went shopping.
British English : Alexa isn’t at home. She has gone shopping,
10-The British use the present perfect with just for the immediate past. Americans use the simple past or present perfect.
American English : I just finished the work.
British English: 1 have just finished the work.
11-The British use the present perfect with already, yet, never, ever, etc. for an action in a period of time up to the present. Americans use the simple past or present perfect in such cases.
American English : T posted the letters already.
Or : I have posted the letters already.
She didn’t come yet.
Or : She hasn’t come yet.
Did you ever see the Taj Mahal?
Or : Have you ever seen the Taj Mahal?
I never travelled by plane.
Or : I have never travelled by plane.
British English : I have posted the letters already.
She hasn’t come yet.
Have you ever seen the Taj Mahal?
I have never travelled by plane.